Part 11

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I woke up to the feeling of Alix shaking me awake. "Mm," I groaned, pulling the sheets over my head.

"Come on, the campsite workers are having a breakfast buffet!"

"Then go, you don't need me," I peeked over my shoulder just to see her walking around in a sports bra and her flannel shorts. I quickly turn back to avoid her teasing of my pink cheeks.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

"Since when do you care about my health?"

"I....." She paused. "I just don't want you to lose that toned body of yours," She smirked. Her flustered appearance quickly faded to her usual shit-eating grin.

"Meet me there in 5 minutes," I reluctantly got up from the comfort of my bed and opened my bag. I took out a shirt but before I could put it on, I heard the door to our cabin open behind me. I assumed it was Alix leaving but I heard a soft voice start to speak.

"Hey Matthew, did you already eat?" I turned around to see Rey, her hair still kept her in iconic braids. I felt my face heat up when I realized I hadn't had a shirt on yet.

"U-uh no, n-not yet but I am just going down now,"

"Okay, sorry for just barging in, I was coming to get ready myself," Rey searched through her bag, pulling out a navy blue dress.

"Did you eat already?" I asked, pulling my shirt over my head.

"Yeah, but I can go down with you... if you want," Rey suggested.

"No, no, that's ok," I smiled, then left her in the cabin to get changed. As I approached the long wooden building, I saw different groups of people standing outside. They looked to just be hanging out so I ignored them and walked past to enter the building.

As I looked over the sea of tables, filled with tired and hungry teenagers, I saw Anthony wave to me, calling me over. I quickly made my way to his side and sat down, only for Alix to sit across from me. The table Anthony had chosen was surprisingly empty compared to the other very full tables. I avoided my gaze, and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. It was like I thought she would die if I stopped looking at her. "Did you actually get anything yet, Matthew?" Anthony asked. I looked at the table and realized I had forgotten to get my breakfast.

"Oh, I was so overwhelmed by the number of people that I only thought of sitting down," I scratched the back of my neck. I chuckled before getting up and making my way to the long line of students getting their meals.

I took a bowl and grabbed one of the boxes of cereal that were on a side shelf, the colourful lettering and imagery catching my attention. I poured the cereal and went to a small fridge that was beneath the shelf. I caught a glance at the table I was previously at and saw Alix scolding Anthony for something before Anthony pointed in my direction. Alix quickly glanced over and leaned back over to her side of the table, hiding her face from me. Were they talking about me? I finished making my cereal and went back to sit down. "Were you guys talking about something?" I asked Anthony as I sat down.

"N-no, I was just asking Anthony if-" Anthony cut Alix off.

"She was wondering if the 3 of us wanted to go for a walk later, get some fresh air,"

"Sure, why not," I smiled. Alix let out a sigh, but I couldn't tell if it was a sigh of relief or of disappointment. Alix seemed to quickly eat her breakfast and leave to go back to the cabin, but I didn't think much of it, she still needed to get changed too.

"Dude, you are so blind!" Anthony said, switching from one side of the table to the other.

"What do you mean?" I shovelled a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"She likes you! Why do you think she flirts with you and teases you?"

"No way, she flirts with everybody!" I rolled my eyes.

"No, she doesn't! You're the only person she will flirt with, and when she teases you, that's just her way of showing affection," Anothony explained, biting down on a piece of bacon. "She likes you! She's head over heels for you!"

"How do you know that?"

"She talks about you when she hangs out with Jess and me,"

"Really? W-what does she say?" I blushed. It was true that she was sly and always gave me attitude, but it seemed she had a soft side, even if she didn't show it very often.

"She calls you kind, gorgeous, amazing..." Anthony continued on and on. "She notices how you help in classes,"

I let Anthony lecture me on everything about Alix but I was too starstruck to listen. She really did like me, but did I secretly like her? No, I like Rey, or do I? I suddenly began questioning my own feelings for Rey and whether or not I had deep feelings for Alix. 

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