Part 5

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The rest of the week went by quickly. When I arrived home that Friday, I went to my room and sat in my chair at my desk and opened my laptop. Before I could even begin to start the essay that was due that Monday, I got a notification on my phone, an email from the principal. I opened the email and read the email,

"Dear Junior year students and parents of Western Hill Highschool, recently we announced the trips for each grade for the end of the year. Junior's will be going to Camp Kajiki from May 15 to May 18. We will hopefully be arriving around noontime on the 15th and we will be leaving on the morning of May 18th. We have included a list of things to bring for the trip. Feel free to add anything based on your child's specific needs. We hope to have a fun time and end the year on a good note. Sincerely, Principal Willson." I knew I was going to get a phone call soon from Ryan, asking me if I had read the email. I sat my phone down and tried to get as much work done as possible before he called me.

I got about 2 paragraphs finished before Ryan called me. I answered, reluctantly. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey! Did you see-" I cut him off, I wasn't going to be listening to him read the email to me.

"Yes I saw the email, Is that all you called me for?"

"Oh, uh yeah! Anyway, are you bringing anything else?" He asked.

"No, I haven't read the list yet though," I answered with a small bit of attitude.

"Oh, sorry dude, I won't keep you awake any longer, goodnight," He said then hung up the phone. I looked at the clock on my laptop, it was almost 10 o'clock but I didn't feel like going to bed. I stayed up a few more hours, writing my essay and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I must have forgotten to shut it off before I went to bed last night. I shut the alarm off and covered myself with the blanket. My bed always felt more comfortable in the morning when I woke up then when I went to sleep. It was always nice and warm, even though it was never quiet on weekend mornings in my family.

I could hear the faint sound of people walking around upstairs, and I could hear the oven beeping and the fridge opening and closing. It wasn't long until someone came barreling into my room, demanding me to get up. "Matthew, get up!" Jack pounded on the door. There it was, the rude awakening from family members.

"I am up, now go away," I stuffed my head into my pillow, trying to muffle out the sound of him pounding on my door.

"No, we're all going to the store, do you want to come with us?" He yelled from the other side of the door. I didn't understand why he had to yell, the door wasn't made of gold or concrete.

"No, I'll just stay home," I replied.

"Ok," I heard him walk up the steps then someone else walk down them.

"Matthew, we're going to the store, do you want anything?" Kyra knocked softly. Kyra often woke me up on weekends when Jack wasn't home, which I didn't mind. She knew what it was like to be woken up by loud noises, and so did my family. Kyra was a tyrant in the morning, If she was woken up by someone, it didn't matter what time. If she didn't wake up and get out of bed herself, she didn't get out of bed. No one wanted to wake her up in the morning, except for Jack, who was always on the receiving end of her tyrance.

"No, I'm fine," I replied softly. I wasn't going to yell at her, mostly because I knew she didn't like to be yelled at, especially by me, and my voice was not ready for that that early in the morning. Why are they going to the store so early? I thought. I looked at my phone and squinted at the bright screen until my eyes adjusted to the level of brightness. 11:45! That must have been the 100th time my alarm went off when I stopped it.

I heard the front door open, bickering from my family, then I heard it close. I waited for the sound of the car to pull out of the rocky drive away and drive down the road. I got up and went upstairs. Finally, some peace and quiet, no stomping, no chairs scuffing on the floor as they moved, no annoying oven alarms, just silence.

I look in the microwave where a bowl of scrambled eggs was set with saran wrap over the top. I grabbed the bowl and took the saran wrap off. I put the bowl in the microwave again and shut the door. Maybe 30 seconds I thought. I watched as the bowl spun and spun until the annoying beeping started, then stopped and I got my food out.

I finished eating and went back to my room to continue writing from last night. I only had a small bit more to go before I was finished, then I could work on my own story.

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