Part 6

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I had finished my essay and I had writer's block so I couldn't work on my story. I sat on my couch and flipped through the channels on the TV, hoping to find something decent on. Thankfully, Saturday morning cartoons were still playing and I had nothing better to watch so I thought What the hell! Sure. I watched TV until I heard a knock on the door. I looked outside to see if there had been a package delivery but all I saw was a black car parked across from the street. I looked around the wall to try and see through the windows on the door, there I saw a woman with wavy short black hair standing there. I cautiously walked to the door and opened the door just enough to peek out from.

"Hey Matt, is Jack home?" Alix was standing there, waiting to be invited in.

"Ugh, no now go away," I snarled.

"No, I'll just wait until he comes back," Alix pushed the door open, I stumbled back then regained my balance.

"Can't you just wait in your car?" I asked. Alix welcomed herself into the kitchen without hesitation and started to look through our fridge.

"No, I'll get bored, but don't worry, I'll sneak out when your parents get home and you can act like I never came in," She stuck her butt out from behind the fridge door as she looked through it. I ran up the stairs after I shut the front door. I leaned over the fridge door. "See something you like?" Alix winked at me. I rolled my eyes as I felt my face get warmer.

"You can't just come in and steal food," I said.

"Oh yeah I can, I do it all the time, oh right you guys are all asleep when I do it," Alix smiled a mischievous smile then closed the fridge door. She searched through the cabinets, then closed them and sat on the couch.

"You can't stay here anyway, I've got to get ready for the day," I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Oh, what do you have to do?" Alix asked innocently. I knew she meant to do something that was far from innocent when she asked me that question, but I fell for it.

"Well, I have to shower, get dressed," I rambled about my routine.

"Oh? Shower? Something you don't want me to see, pretty boy?" She got up from the couch and leaned in toward my face, cocking an eyebrow.

"No, I mean- no!" I stumbled. I turned away from her, my face was probably red as a tomato. What am I doing? Why am I blushing? I don't like her at all, I thought. I wouldn't brag about it but I had a pretty good body. I was about 5'9, a decent set of abs and some muscles here and there. I did like to workout when I could, though I didn't get the time to anymore.

"Ok, since you have no problem in me staying, I'll just chill in Jack's room," Alix persuaded me. I knew it was a bad idea, letting her stay until my parents came home but she promised to leave before they did come home.

"Fine, but you can't look through my room, or anyone else's, got it?" I demanded.

"You got it mister strong," Alix winked again and went down the hall to Jack's room. I rolled my eyes and went down to my room to grab a change of clothes. I went back upstairs and got into the bathroom.

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