Part 3

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"Hey, Matthew!" Anthony yelled as he waved his hand to signal me. I waved back and walked down the aisles of the cafeteria and sat next to him. Anthony and his friends all knew each other from middle school and they invited me to sit with them when it was my first day as a freshman.

"Hey, guys!" I slammed my lunch tray down on the table in excitement.

"Woah dude, no need to get so mad," Jess chuckled. Jess was Anthony's girlfriend, she sounded like the best girlfriend ever from the way Anthony showed her off. She would surprise him with gifts, help him with school and would always hang out with him.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited for that end of year trip," I said as I unpacked my lunch box onto my lunch tray.

"Yeah, it sounds like fun but my family and I are going away that week," Wayne bragged. Wayne was the kid who always went somewhere for any given holiday. I liked to call him a 'rich kid' because it seemed he always had the newest clothes from the most expensive brands.

"Aww, that's too bad, but I am expecting a souvenir from wherever you're going," Anthony smiled.

"Hey guys," Alix appeared from what felt like thin air and sat next to Wayne. "Hey Matt," She winked at me, I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my lunch.

"What do you want, Alix?" Wayne looked over at Alix, obviously annoyed.

"Oh nothing, just came to see who was going to the end of the year field trip," Alix looked over to me, waiting for a response.

"I'm going but it's not a chance to bug me, got it?" I demanded.

"Oh, the big man is getting defensive," Alix mocked.

"Oh shut up," I snapped. Alix ignored my attitude and kept talking to the others. Soon Alix left and lunch was over. I just had to make it through 2 more classes then I could go home.

After school, I picked Kyra up from school like usual and she rambled on and on about her day. The boys in her class were being annoying and the girls had their own drama to deal with. We arrived home, Jack's car wasn't in the driveway so I assumed he would be with another girl. I did see him with a girl in the halls that day. Jack and I did our best to ignore each other at school but we did get along well at home. He would pop into my room and just hang with me for a while when I wasn't busy. "Hello dear, how was school?" My mom sat on the couch, sipping her coffee as she turned down the TV with the remote.

"Fine, but I do need you to sign something," I said as I got my permission form out. I don't understand why they gave us permission forms in high school. We had our own cars and could do almost anything we wanted, we didn't need our parent's permission but I can't complain.

"Ok, what's it for?" My mom asked as I handed her the paper.

"It's for our Junior end of year trip," I answered. She stared at the paper and then handed it back to me.

"Ok, just go put it on the kitchen counter and I'll look at it later," She went back to watching TV and sipping her coffee in peace. I turned around and went back down to my room and sat on my bed. I grabbed my laptop from my desk and sat on my bed. I opened my laptop and the screen showed my screensaver, just like it did every time. I tapped the search bar with the cursor and started to type. "All's fair in love and war" I typed. I scrolled down to where I last finished off and continued to type the story out. I had been writing a story for a while now, but I wouldn't admit to anyone that I liked writing, they'd think I was weird, even though I usually didn't care about others' opinions of me.

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