Part 4

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"All's fair in love and war" is a story about a girl and a guy who hated each other's guts but when they are forced into war together with hundreds of other soldiers, he starts to protect her and she starts to have feelings for him. The story sounded like the perfect romance tale ever, other than the war and death of course. Later, my writing spree was cut short by my mom calling "Matthew" from upstairs. I closed my computer and went upstairs where my dad, Jack, and Kyra were all seated at the dinner table.

"Hey dad, I didn't even hear you come home," I sat next to him. I liked both of my parents but my dad and I really did have a special bond, we would make bad jokes together and have fun times. When I was smaller, he and I would go for drives late at night when my mom went out for dinner with her friends. He would let me stay up past my bedtime and we would blast music in the car and get bad pizza from a random gas station, but I didn't mind the bad pizza, I just liked spending time with my dad.

"I just got home a few minutes ago," My dad smiled. My mom slopped food onto my plate, slow cooker food. Ugh! I thought.

"Don't curl your nose up at it, you'll like it," my mom said while she set the slow cooker back onto the counter. There it was again, the 6th sense. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly put the food into my mouth. The food wasn't too bad, not amazing but not terrible.

"Dad, you will never guess what happened today," Kyra exclaimed. She rambled on and on, the same story from earlier. Once she was finished her long story, my dad looked up from his plate and said,

"That was a crazy day,"

He somehow always had the patience for us, even after a long day. He didn't have the easiest job, he was the customer service manager at a big company, which doesn't sound bad until you take into consideration all the angry customers he has to deal with on the phone. Even after being yelled at all day, he still listens to Kyra's story, helps clean the kitchen after supper and makes my sister popcorn every night for her movie nights.

"Do you know where Jack is?" I asked.

"He's out with his friend, Alix I think it is?" My mom said as she finished her dinner.

"Ugh," I groaned.

"What's wrong kid," My dad asked.

"I just don't like Alix, she's annoying," I responded. I never mentioned much that went on at school to my parents because nothing ever really happened, maybe the good grade here and there but that's pretty much it.

"You know her?" Kyra asked.

"Yeah, and you know her too?" I responded. Kyra hadn't met anyone who Jack hung out with, neither did I, I just knew they hung out from school or someone else telling me.

"Yeah, she's Emily's older sister. Whenever I go over she likes to come in and bother us," Kyra picked at the leftover food on her plate. Emily was Kyra's best friend and the only friend of Kyra that I could distinctly remember without Kyra having to remind me what she looked like. Alix and Emily both had short, wavy hair. Though Emily often wore it in a ponytail whenever I saw her and Alix always had it down. Alix did have a nice head of hair, not that I would say out loud though.

"I'm going to my room," Kyra got up and took her plate to the sink. She walked off to the hall and I heard her bedroom door shut behind her.

"Did something happen at school today?" My dad asked.

"No, she was talking like usual when I picked her up," I didn't think she was acting weird, I just assumed she had finished her supper and wanted to go to her room. I shrugged and went back to eating my food.

"I'm going to talk to her after supper," my mom said. I quickly finished my food and went back to my room to keep writing. Writing also made me tired once it started to get darker outside and in my room. I liked the feeling of sitting in the dark with just my laptop scene lighting up my face.

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