Maheswaran life

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"We have tried for years Doug....i don't think it's happening..." Priyanka cried into her husbands shoulder.

"Come on honey...Its going to happen. You just gotta believe in yourself.." He sighed softly and kissed the top of her head. "It's going to happen, You are going to bring a life into this word.."

Priyanka nodded and held onto him tighter. "It's just so hard seeing all these lady bring home a bundle of joy and I can't even bring one of my own," She sniffles. "Why is this so hard? My mom didn't have any problems, she had 4 kids in her I broken?"

Doug frowned at his wife's words and laid back further. "You are not broken honey.." He sighed. "I know things are different from India," Doug lifted her head and kissed her. "But you are not there anymore. Will go to the doctors tomorrow, we will find out what's wrong and try again..."

Priyanka kissed back and nodded. She laid her head back down and turned to the tv.

Tonight was supposed to be a date night between the two, but they watched a movie about a girl who had troubles conceiving. It triggered some thing in Priyanka and she cried. Doug of course was okay with it and held her close.


Months after the two had gone to the doctors office, visit after visit. The doctor had said it was okay for them to try again.

Priyanka paced the bathroom and watched the faint line show up. Doug wasn't home, he gotten called in early.

She smiled more when the second one came up. She jumped up held it close. Priyanka stopped and looked down. "I'm having a baby, we're having a baby!!" She laughed and threw the test in the trash. She quickly cleaned up the mess and continued on with her day.

By the time Doug got home, Priyanka was in bed reading. He walked into their room and kissed her before getting ready for bed.

He slipped into bed next to her and kissed her. "Hey honey,"

"Hey, how was work?" He smiled and took her book, shutting the light off as he placed the book down.

"The same, how was your day?"

"It as normal..I did some cleaning, took tbe test,"

His eyes widen. "You did!! What was it?"

Take this unfinished thing. I might end this here. I don't know. I really need to get caught up on requests. So please if you left some comment here the ship or whatever it is you wanted so I can get to it.

If you couldn't tell I have a huge thing for connies mom. Priyanka.

Anyways I'm still taking requests so if you have anything let me know.

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