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Logan's POV:

When you are let down your whole life you tend to stop having hope. You just completely give up on it. When something good comes around it seems almost surreal, it seems like it will last, so, a tiny last shred of hope makes its way inside you. But all good things must come to an end. And when it does it hurts even more.

I'm a fucking idiot.

I'm so fucking stupid.

After Chase and Alex left I felt so guilty. I have never felt so guilty in my life. I don't feel emotions for other people.

I hate other people.

So why do I feel like this?

People are assholes. They do nothing but break promises and let you down. They are devious, conniving bastards.

For so long I have had a deep hatred for everyone. My own parents included.

But when I met Alex I started to feels things I hadn't felt in a very long time.

I had a feeling she was going to be trouble.

It didn't happen immediately. It was the day the art class incident happened that made me really look at her.

She was funny. I don't think she realised it but she was, really funny.

She seemed so strong yet so weak at the same time. I don't know why, but I liked that about her.

When I saw her arm I felt something snap inside me. She was such a beautiful soul and she did something like that to herself.

Upon viewing her arm I realised it wasn't a one time thing. This was something she did to herself, a lot.

I was so angry. What made her feel like that?

Who made her feel like that?

I had noticed she had a big bruise on her cheek and there were some red marks peeking above the neck of her turtleneck.

That made me even angrier. How could you hurt a girl who seems already so broken?

She was so beautiful.

She had long dark brown, almost black hair that stopped at her waist. Her skin was sallow and smooth. She was short, 5'4 at the most. She had an hourglass figure. With a full chest and ass. She had thick thighs, a small waist with a slightly chubby stomach.

Her face was even more alluring. Her lips were a beautiful shade of pink. They were full and juicy looking. Her cheekbones were high and her jawline was sharp. She had a button nose with a septum piercing and a small hoop in one of her nostrils. When she talked I looked into her mouth at her tongue. I noticed she had a sliver tongue piercing.

She was so kissable.

The most beautiful part about her appearance were here eyes. They were a beautiful shade of emerald green framed by two sets of long thick black eyelashes. Looking into them was like looking at a picture of the Amazon rainforest. So many different shades of green and gold ran through her eyes.

I usually hated the colour green, but her eyes were different.

They were mesmerising.

One thing I had noticed about her eyes, was the amount of hurt and sadness she attempted to mask behind them. I saw right through her attempts.

You could tell by looking into her eyes that she was a truly broken soul. She had given up hope a long time ago. Like me.

In detention that day when she walked in I couldn't help but transfix my gaze on how gracefully her body moved as she walked to her seat.

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