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The sun wasn't what woke Eragon, but rather his life long companion. Saphira stuck her head through the window in his bedroom that was high above the ground. One wouldn't think it would be his first choice, but it reminded him of the tree houses in Du Weldenvarden so he liked it quite a lot. She blew out through her nostrils at him, awaking him with coughing as his face was surrounded with smoke. He sat up and nearly his his head on her snout had she not moved.

Yes Saphira, it's early. And the students don't wake for three hours.

Little One that is the problem, they're already awake and want your presence. They have not told me why, only that is important.

Is something wrong?

Not that I can tell, but be quick just in case.

So he did, with haste he slid out of bed, put a dark red tunic on, shaved with magic, grabbed Brisingr and ran down the stairs. He flung himself onto Saphira who wasn't wearing a saddle as of yet so he was sure to put on leggings with leather insides. She pushed herself into the sky that was several different shades of red and orange as the sun begun to make itself present. The dark blue scales on her back reflected of the opposite color, some of the shades reminding Eragon of Thorn and Murtagh. It had been years since he had been back to Alagaseia, he had grown fond of Doru Araeba yes, but he missed his home lands deeply. As the training center came into his view, so did the two young riders and their young dragons. The older pair being Luzol and his dragon Ovroth, the young dwarf had arrived on Vroengard about six months ago. Ovroth was only eight months of age, but his deep gray scales and almost white belly gave him a mature look, as did his ever long claws and perfect fangs. Saphira however kept her vanity about her fangs, and he admired her for it. The younger Rider and her dragon, Ceada and Zitha. Ceada was a young human of only fourteen but Zitha was only five months of age, she was large enough though. Ceada was actually from Pallancar Valley, she was born in Carvahall, very close to the farm Eragon had grown up. When she arrived she brought news that Roran and Katrina had been affected by some kind of magic left by the Raz'ac and that they had managed to remain in their youth even after all these years. Zitha was a very bright purple, her scales reminded Eragon of Angela, at how wild they were.

As Saphira touched down in front of their students Eragon read their emotions. They were pure happieness, why he could not guess. The elvish looking Rider finally got off Saphira and adressed the young Riders. "And what has you two looking and feeling like this so early in the morning. I see you woke Saphira, and she woke me. I am not upset that you woke me but Saphira is slightly irritated, I only feel happieness from you two. I must ask, what was so urgent that you could not wait a few hours?"

Luzol was the first to speak, "I greatly appologize for waking you ebrithil but Ceada woke up to something arriving. Ovroth and Zitha were awoken because of it too. You have only told us breifly of these, it is of the elven making but we thought to wake you as it might be of importance." He reached up to Ovroth's saddle bags and pulled out a small sail boat woven out of blades of grass. He handed it to Eragon who smiled at his students concern for this peice of magic.

"I see, well to be honest this could've waited. These boats travel rather slowly with magic and if it was of utmost importance the elves could've contacted me through several different ways. The elves weave these for personal entertainment or to send something to someone, it's not the most easy thing to do but," He pulled on the sail of the ship and it revealed a folded peice of paper, "if you do it right they will often reveal a message." He slid the sail back into place and handed the small fragment back to his student.

"I see, as I said you have told us about these but I have never seen one before. I apologize again for waking you master."

"Ah, it's alright, sometimes it's better to wake up early and see the sun fully rise. But you two need a bit more sleep for training today, so please go. I will come wake you when it is time to begin."

Ceada and Luzol bowed slightly before settling themselves on the backs of the dragons who chose them and taking flight. Eragon sighed and climbed back onto Saphira with the note still clutched in his right hand. She launched herself again into the morning sky, Little One, do you think that is from Arya?

It might be, if you slow a little I can unfold the note without losing it to the wind.


As she did, Eragon carefully unfolded the precise square of paper. The handwriting was unmistakibly Arya's, he smiled and held the paper almost to the point of ripping it, but he did not wish to do so. He hadn't talked with Arya in years, so seeing her writing filled him with emotions again. He pictured her in his mind, memories flying through his brain, them meeting face to face after reaching the Varden, fighting together. Their last time standing next to each other, Saphira and Firnen flying together above them. He missed her dearly and wished to at least hear her voice or see her face. He knew Saphira missed the forest deep dragon, though she would only admit it to Eragon.

He slowly brought his eyes down the lines of words in the elves native tounge.

Eragon, I only hope this reaches you. I cannot say when but I am sending this just as spring has begin here in Ellesmera, the moon is almost at it's half peak. I wish to actually talk to you, but there is something amiss with out normal means of communication. I have tried to use Mirror Magic many times over the years and even scry you but I am left with nothing. I hope you are alright, I cannot fly out with Firnen with my duties as queen. How I wish I had declined their want to crown me, I wish I had come with you to Vroengard right about now. This is not my place, yes my mother was Queen but I cannot live up to her accomplishments. And with Firnen I cannot have the freedom he does, I miss flying with him as we did when he was only a year old. I wish to see you and Saphira, I hope you and the new Riders are doing well. Please try to contact me, if this even reaches you.

~ Arya ~

Eragon relayed the information to Saphira who snarled in response. She expressed her want to go back and see them, she expressed her sorrow for Arya for being in the situation she was in. Eragon agreed that Arya was not the kind of person to stay in meetings all day or sit and stay still on a throne. Arya was one for adventure, and with Firnen around that only made it seem to fit her more. The note was clearly sent recently as the moon was half full and spring had just begun on Vroengard.

Eragon and Saphira landed back at the tallest tower of Vroengard. He and the elves rebuilt all the buildings with Saphira's help. The library had been fixed, along with the houses equipped for dragons. But the newest building was the training center. It was a large round building with four different sections. The middle of the area was for physical combat, it had an open ceiling for the dragons to drop in through and the whole center had been made fireproof with a few simple spells from the elves. The other three sections were one for reading and writing. The next section was for personal meditation and Rimgar. And the last portion of the building led straight into the forest. Where Eragon taught them to survive with out their dragons or weapons.

He and the elves worked long and hard on that building. It meant a lot to him because it was the first time he sang with the elves to build something. The rest of the work they had done by hand. But none the less, Vroengard had evolved and Eragon was proud of the progress. His house, or tower, had a large spiral platform going around it for Saphira to walk on. But it also had a large open section at the top for her to sleep in. The building itself could hold massive amounts of weight, as the stone was infused with magic from the Riders of Old. Her so called nest, was nestled underneath Eragon's room, he had a set of small stairs that lead to her. And often times he would not sleep in his bed, but rather nestled against Saphira and under her massive wings. She quite enjoyed this, it reminded her of when they traveled with Brom so long ago.

So as Eragon made his way into his small kitchen about halfway up the tower, he thought about visiting Alagaesia again. It had nearly been fifty years. And he wondered what his friends and family were up to.

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