Wingless Angel

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Me, you did smite

From the sky's display

It's cold out here tonight

And I can't fly away.

The biting snow

Keeps me tethered and unfree

Because I don't know

If your heart beats for me.

Is it true

That I am just so galling?

With you I flew

Now it feels like I'm falling.

You pluck me at the summit

Feather by feather

Unaware of my plummet

Into the heather.

To wonder why

In the silence that you utter

Unable to fly

With my feet in the gutter.

At me, you frown

While your eyes attack

That feeling that I've let you down

Scared that you won't say it back.

Do not leave me all alone

There, right next to you

Give me a chance to atone

I don't know what else to do.

Your words always brutalize

Leave me on the outskirts

Because you never realise

Just how much it hurts.

Can't you see,

That I will always be faithful?

Please don't ever make me

Your Wingless Angel.

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