To My First Ex

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We had our problems like everyone does

You can't pin it all on me because

The littlest things would get you annoyed

Some of it was just uncalled for

Unprecedentedly paranoid

That I was some kind of ruthless whore

And you said: "Why don't you write me

Some sweet romantic poetry?"

Maybe the reason I couldn't

Is because my subconscious knew

That I wouldn't

Would never be in love with you

The only thing you inspired me for

Were sad poems when I felt struck and sore

If you delved into the depths of my despair

You would realise you were the cause

But you never saw

Because when were you ever there?

You say your actions and feelings were immense

But what was that besides nonsense?

If you really cared, you'd have done a lot more

At no point did you support me

Treated me as if I was a chore

Restricting you from being carefree

You can't just complain and criticise

There's a little thing called compromise

Which both sides have to relent

So a future can be foreseen

If that was your one hundred percent

It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen

All your tricks are now perceptible

I'm no longer susceptible

To any of your conflicting wails

Or your emotional blackmail

Everything's become all too clear

You're not worth a single tear

My friends don't like you after you made me cry

From that moment they knew, you weren't the right guy

"He doesn't have any of the right stuff

He's not worth your fight."

Grandad never liked you – you were never good enough

Turns out they were absolutely right

Think I'm to blame, think what you like

It's no shame my feelings went on strike

Never was I the saboteur

You never gave any bestowment

I will miss who I thought you were

But I won't miss you for a moment

Sick of your egotistical attitude

Our final chapter I conclude

You're emotionally spoilt

I put up with it for far too long

Think you never have to feel any guilt

Aren't capable of doing wrong

You're in denial that I ended it first

Can't understand why my feelings dispersed

Accept it's over, we are done

I owe you nothing, I'm not your debtor

I won't be strung along as a trial run

Until you find someone better

I'll find someone who'll treat me right

Take me out and kiss me goodnight

Want to be treated like a royal

Gave up all my pointless fears

Even though I'm ridiculously loyal

It's astounding we lasted two years

Thankfully, I'm not who I used to be

I've changed unbelievably

You sit on your arse wasting your life

And haven't changed a bit

Driving deeper and deeper the knife

You horrendous hypocrite

After everything we went through

I couldn't be myself around you

My true self, you did obscure

All your words were illusional

I knew you were selfish and immature

But I'd never guessed you were delusional

I'm never going to regret my decision

It was all too clear the imprecision

I'll pursue my dreams peacefully

To my heart I'll remain true

When I want someone's arms around me

That someone won't be you

Maybe all along I knew

But it got to a point where I didn't want to

Ever fall in love with you

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