Your Embrace

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After two days, you said you loved me

Catching me completely off guard

You feel things in their entirety

Not in fragments or broken shards

After two weeks, you promised marriage

I'll hold you to that one hundred percent

Shared dreams in a horse-drawn carriage

While my feelings for you augment

Holding your hand in the candlelight

The fires reflection in your eyes

Could gladly stare into them all night

As my hope takes wing and flies

Watching how you look at me

As the flame flutters and dances

Getting giddy, blushing shyly

At your mutters and sneaky glances

You astound astronomically

With you, I feel safe, protected

And you're even attracted to me

Something I never expected

Far too many things to say

Some words can't be expressed, as such

You compliment me every day

And spoil me way too much

Your Fairytale, the perfect reality

Only slightly starstruck

You are far too good for me

I can't believe my luck

Being single, I wanted to explore

Now all my plans have changed

It was the last thing I was looking for

Now look how your kiss has ranged

After we first met

My thoughts did wonder about you

My memory didn't want to forget

The short encounters we went through

But at that time, I was claimed by another

So, those thoughts of you came to a halt

Was blind to the suffocating smother

Locked away in a dark and tired vault

But even then, I didn't need any analysis

Kept this quiet and discreet

If I hadn't been someone else's

I would have asked to be yours in a heartbeat

Turns out, you felt the exact same way

Assumed the chance was slain

A second time, you forbid it to get away

Refused to let this pass you by again

With you, time seems to stand still

And almost comes to cease

Every want of mine, you fulfill

Experience nothing but peace

See your pale back exposed and bare

As my hands massage and reminisce

Rake my fingers through your hair

Pull you deeper into the kiss

Feel our energy combine

In splendid synchronicity

Your tongue travelling slowly up my spine

Ecstatic bolts of electricity

Nothing about you is superfluous

Didn't realise the true effect of your touch

You're addictive, you're dangerous

And I can never have too much







My breath, away you stole

You're absolutely gigantic (or so I thought at the time ;))

You are such a beautiful soul

My hopelessly handsome romantic

Within me, you stir untouched emotions

Half of which, I don't know how to explain

Unbelievable, dazzling devotions

Your flattery, as sweet as champagne

But some things I know for sure

You are my only shooting star

None of these poems were asked for

Which is the best thing by far

Your affections, I will never dismiss

The passion behind your every action

Watching your face as you read this

I can't wait to see your reaction

I can never hold you close enough

No matter how tightly my arms encase

So, forget all the useless, worthless stuff

And pull me into your embrace X

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