Section 2

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August 2018 - August 2019

This is a bit of a strange one. I had a crush on this guy since before my first relationship ended (I just didn't admit it to myself then), and these feelings persisted all through my second relationship until they finally ended a year after meeting him. Therefore, although I have compiled these poems/songs into one section, in reality they stretch across and are interspersed through that time frame. 

Then, from July-December 2019, he did not message me until I asked him on New Years why he had been ignoring me. His response was that it was because he knew I fancied him and wanted to give me space for those feelings to come to an end (even though they had already done so since before he started ignoring me). 

Nevertheless, we overcame this and I am glad to say we are still friends. 

For and Inspired by M.R.J

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