What You Do

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Every day more tears fall

Painfully galvanise

My soul is being mauled

And you don't realise

I wish you could see

How much you reduce me

To a paralysed wreck of sobs

My hearts too numb to throb

To busy being shredded

From all that I have dreaded

To come true

That's what you do

To me

Don't look for a reason

Where it stated to go wrong

It would be my treason

When I just want to belong

If you thought I was to blame

You would not want to acclaim

Instead you would turn and maim

And wouldn't that be such a shame?

Rather than make it our aim

To have a new start aflame

If only you knew

The extent of what you do

To me

This may be one-sided

But I can't write from your perspective

We may be divided

But am I really that defective?

I put in everything I am

And now you hardly give a damn

You've always been holding back

Because I don't have the knack

To be the one you're looking for

Now to you, I'm just a bore

The hurt that turns me blue

That is what you do

To me

Thinking what the good times meant

And everything we've done

Wondering where it all went

You're not the only one

You make me want to scream

For all my hopes and dreams

That you let grow, then broke

Watch the future burn and choke

From all of your conflicting smoke

That you can't clear and evoke

A single scrap of certainty

Round and round absurdity

My mind is all askew

For this is what you do

To me.

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