Dripping Tap

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Sitting on the bathroom floor

Watching the tap drip, drip, dripping

Rhythmically, the droplets fall

I am enthralled

That feeling that I can't ignore

My world is tip, tip, tipping

They are my tears that should be falling

Welling up behind indifferent eyes

I stare and stare, but they're not galling

I am numb inside

My blood is anesthetized

Yet the deep, dull ache's still calling

It is felt with every beat

Trapped behind my ribs, it flutters

Escaping pain's no easy feat

Constantly, it gently stutters

Almost snuffed, it stirs and splutters

Unable to find a retreat

Such thin bones can easily shatter

But how much does that actually matter?

Feeling myself peel away and scatter

Fall and fade, blend in with the dark

Leave no trace, not a single mark

The ending of that tiny spark

In the depths of this dark bathroom

And the breaking silence

Surrounding, unspoken defiance

The despair is starting to bloom

That deep, dull ache's never gone

Yet, I stare on and on

Feel myself slowly slipping, slipping

Crumple against the wall

As soon as that tap stops dripping, dripping

My tears will start to fall

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