No More

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My soul is lost adrift

Atop an ocean of blood

Gushing out from the heart

You severed from my chest

Still beating, even though it's split in two

One, a pulverised mar

Two, a battered thing

Pumping out the last drops they have to give

Futilely thinking they're still together

And even on this ocean

Of bitter, boiling blood

My heart has emptied gallons more

Than yours ever could

Because that's how it goes

It's always more for me

More effort, emotion, engagement

That is my curse

A destructive gift

All of it's inconsequential

What a waste of time

All for the pursuit of three little words

You never meant them how I thought you did

Assumed escape from cynicism

To have it tumbling right back

An anvil discarded from the sky

Engulfed within flaming waters

Waves too high, too high

Spinning, writhing, disorientating

Far, far away from anything

As the swallowing sea stills

Wonder what's the fucking point?

A slow, lapping tide

Pulling oh-so slowly

At the gaping hole of abyss within

Atop my fragile raft

Of wrecked dreams

Roped together in this flimsy craft

In the far-off distance

I see the pieces of my heart

Dragged down

Begin to drown

In ravenous, red depths

Of its own creation

As I drift



Further and further


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