Don't Ever Let Me Go

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Dancing in your arms

Kissing to David Bowie

Blushing at your charms

When it's cold and snowy

The little things you do and say

With such gentle intensity

Feel the world fall away

In its great immensity

As our hands intertwine

Feel your heartbeat through your chest

My feelings for you are inclined

In ways I could never have guessed

When you're around

Every problem can be dismissed

I should write these lines down

So, one day, you can read this

This happiness feels so surreal

As everything starts to align

Still struggling to believe you're real

Let alone that you're mine

In your room with a bottle of Baileys

Chin-chin, my darling, chin-chin

Your favourite film from the eighties

And my Cheshire-cat grin

Listening to Oasis songs

Breathe each other in

This feels right, like we belong

Skin against warm skin

Trace your tongue along my collarbone

And your lips over my neck

Thank goodness there's no chaperone

To keep us both in check

With our quiet liberties

You're absolutely grand

Thinking of the possibilities

And where I could slide my hand

The first night we were alone

You know just how to turn me on

So many chances to discover the unknown

My phenomenal phenomenon

When you're gone, something's amiss

And now my clothes smell like you

No one else has to read this

But my feelings, you broke through

Reality smells like chlorine

With an undertone of pesticide

Everyone needs a killer queen

By their side, clear the carbon dioxide

Writing this inconspicuously

As you're lying next to me

I should be writing Gothic poetry

Not stanzas of what we could be

But after every sweet sensation

You make the words come so easily

Unintentional inspiration

As you caress me peacefully

One last kiss goodnight

Your soft green eyes aglow

Hold me oh-so very tight

And don't ever let me go 

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