Section 4

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27th August 2019 - 28th September 2019

I met my third boyfriend at work and I was startling how quickly we connected. He spent the whole night talking to me before I met him after work and he stayed over at mine. The next day, because I truly felt like he was The One for me, I booked a coach ticket up to Newcastle the next day and stayed the next wonderful three nights at his. 

He was a Royal Marine and deployed to Belize (I know, I had no idea where that was either) just two weeks into our relationship. I had promised to write him letter's everyday, and I kept that promise. However, I only managed to find a way to send them to him after we had broken up, and after that I never did. 

I think there were quite a few underlying concerns (or at least misunderstanding's) on both our parts, and I would have been willing to work through anything and stand by him no matter what, if it hadn't have been those three fatal words: 'We aren't together.' 

To him, they probably meant that we'll take a break and make things work when I'm not out fighting, but to me, if our relationship is over - that's it. There is no going back. 

In spite of all that, I still hope he's okay and won't get in the way of any bullets.

For and inspired by,

The one that still hurts,

Darren Clark X

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