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Feeling a little downhearted

When the night started

Expecting insignificance

Ended in magnifying magnificence

Couldn't have guessed what that night would bring

We found each other, we found something

Something we've both more than earned

You have turned

A concept that seemed so absurd

Into a passion that surpasses words

You make the poet speechless

From the start this was seamless

Something to defy all weakness

With a connection of increasing deepness

Oh, please let this be ceaseless

Thinking on endless possibilities

That will overcome all hostilities

I promise you I will never forsake

All that we invoke

Imagining the day they call for their gunslinger

And the day the rings you make

Are no longer smoke

And can slide onto my finger

But until then I am left

With overwhelming feelings

Humbling, awestruck, disbelieving

That I am yours and you're my lover

Of my heart, you've committed theft

There's so much of you to discover

Fine nuances I could never capture

Mesmerizingly enrapture

Valiant, veracious, versatile

The sparkle in your eyes when you smile

Or the thrills you instill

Within me continuously, until

All my doubts are broken through

Surprised into inadequacy

So for now, we'll just have to do

With this insufficient poetry

There's nothing I would rather do

Than to be with you forevermore

Defying every frontier

Feel like I've finally found my calling

I am falling

And I couldn't be happier

That the person I'm falling for

Is you X

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