Come Home

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The way you smile, the way you smell

Missing you hurts like hell

More than anything I've felt before

Thinking of you more and more

The few memories we have between us

Playing on repeat

You make me complete

Could never be superfluous

Oh, how I wish we could rewind

To those three days we went through

No one else could cross my mind

Because no one else is you

Sit quietly and bare the pain

Of being away from you

These feelings, distance will never wane

Could nevertheless drive me insane

Passion fiercer than the strongest hurricane

Raging silently, away from view

With our reunion long overdue

I'm breathlessly waiting for the day

When things are no longer in dissarray

Our time together can reign undiminished

And your fight is finally finished

For this country's safety

Far away, across the sea

So, you can come back home to me X

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