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We could have everything

Those moments, I replay

It's all a bit overwhelming

I'm not sure what to say

With you, I feel respected

There's no need to be resistant

But this was more than unexpected

So, forgive me if I'm hesitant

The last thing I want is to rush this

And see you turn away from me

To have nothing left to reminisce

So, let's take things slowly

This is far more than a passing shrug

Nothing about this feels forced

I don't have to ask for a hug

My feelings can be reinforced

Laughing at my umbrella breaking

Running through the pouring rain

After our first kiss, I was shaking

Terrified of what we could gain

Listening to your heartbeat

Synchronised with mine

Remembering your body heat

And how you smelled divine

I won't hold back from this discovery

Such a gentle touch, you're no lazy grouch

Sleeping safely with your arms around me

As we try not to fall off the couch

Completely oblivious to the others

Not wanting to say adieu

The following night, alone in the covers

It wasn't warm enough without you

With no care for the world, you kissed me

The chance of forever is exciting

I'm not going to disagree

The whole endeavour is enticing

Because I can take your hand

And walk freely down the street

Without worry of any reprimand

Or a self-conscious offbeat

You're happy just to hold me

No fear towards a lack of attraction

You've no idea how much that makes me happy

Savouring our interactions

With no effort, we can relate

Not smoked under by any smother

Finally, there's no need to wait

Two or three months to see each other

With you, I can share comfortable moments

From a new perspective, I see everything

With all your sweet bestowments

Even if you can barely eat anything

Love it when you call me sweetheart

My plans, you did suddenly change

My feelings, you did jump start

And this still feels so strange

Stoke fabulous flames from rising embers

Burning passion, even after a while

Look back and remember

Write and read this with a smile 

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