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On the ride home I had a chance to reflect on everything I had experienced at the carnival. My mind was reeling and I was overwhelmed by my thoughts and feelings from the evening.

I didn't want to have a conversation with Tim, I just wanted to be left alone to process everything that had happened at the carnival, so as we pulled out onto the road, I kicked off my shoes, lowered the back of my seat a bit, wrapped my arms tightly around the three foot tall stuffed white bunny rabbit in my lap, and pretended to fall asleep, letting my thoughts drift back over the evening.

What an evening it had been.

When we first arrived at the carnival, I made the decision to accept Tim's offer and completely immerse myself in the experience, so as we walked towards the entrance I wrapped my arm around Tim's and walked in with my head against his shoulder.

Tim was visibly surprised by this move, but he didn't freak out or pull away. Instead, he slipped his hand into his pocket and let me hang on to his arm.

Throughout the night, Tim had, just as he promised, been the perfect gentleman towards me. I couldn't believe how much money he spent trying to ensure I was having a good time and getting the full "date" experience. I was also in awe at the way he treated me like nothing less than a lady. The experience was simultaneously scary and pretty cool.

Now, I'm pretty sure, if this is what it's like to be a girl outside of cooking and cleaning (which I already enjoy), then I think I just might be okay with the current direction my life was headed. I felt wonderful having a guy shower me with attention, show genuine concern for me, want to ensure I was having a good time, treat me so delicate and feminine, and make me feel pretty, desirable, and loved.

As we continued towards home I began to drift off to sleep, and more memories of the night flooded my dreams.


The sun was starting to drop below the mountains in the distance and the sky created a beautiful orange backdrop as the carnival lights began to illuminate the rides, attractions, food stalls and game booths, bathing everything in bold flashing patterns of white, red, blue, yellow, and green lights.

"What would you like to do first," Tim asked once we had gone through the bright, festively lit carnival entrance.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied with uncertainty, "I don't know, everything?"

I looked around and pointed as I suggested, "Let's walk down that way and see what there is to eat. I'm kinda hungry, plus it's always better to have something on your stomach before riding wild rides."

I studied all the different types of food options around us as we walked. The lights, the sights, and all the wonderfully sweet, greasy, and flame seared smells were mesmerizing.

"What are you in the mood for," Tim inquired of me. "What ever you choose, my treat."

"I dunno, what do you want." I replied, shrugging.

"Geez, just like a girl," he playfully teased.

We walked past several food vendors before Tim suggested Korean street food style french-fry crusted corn dogs drizzled with cream cheese and wasabi sauce.

Sounded interesting, so I agreed.

We then decided to walk around and look at everything else, while we ate. There were a lot of people at the carnival, but it wasn't crowded.

One thing I began to notice as we walked around, was how no one gave me a second glance, well aside from the occasional boy looking me up and down to check me out.

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