Great Lover Of Many

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Madam Keesia sat us down across from her at a little table, under an enclosed, dimly lit, little square tent set up near the cart, and dealt out several cards face down, next to a large crystal ball on a table top stand. She then began to turn the cards over one at a time, explaining what each one meant as she went.

It was hilarious watching her try to read Tim and I and tell us something that sounded plausible. Neither Tim nor I believed fortune-tellers had any real ability to actually see into the future and knew they only told you things they thought you'd find believable, based on clues they picked up from talking to and observing you, and your reactions to what they said.

The first thing she told me was that even though I had strong feelings for Tim, he wasn't destined to be my soul mate.

Well, duh, I guess she got that from watching my interaction with Tim when he bought the flower. I appreciated the flower and took it, but I guess she could see I didn't react the way a girl in love would have.

What she said next, however, sent shivers down my spine.

"Ma-dam Kee-zia sees great change. A life altering event, dar-ling. Tings aren't as day appear, but zee details it's dark and cloudy." She turned over another card, "And there's death . . . yours." She emphasized the word yours while pointing her long red fingernail at me.

After a longer than necessary pause, she lowered her arm. Tim tried to stifle a snicker as she continued.

"Death tis never funny, my dear," she directed at Tim with a condescending glare, before returning her attention to me, "But not to worry, dar-ling. Tis not necessarily physical death though. Could be, but most likely no. Ma-dam Kee-zia will find out for you . . . "

She turned another card over and tapped on it with her long red fingernail.

"Ah yes, yes . . . Here it tis, new birth. I see bright sunshine, and a life-source on zee other side, but only if . . . well, tis up to you. Zee life-changing death and rebirth will be triggered by a you, my dear."

She stopped when she turned over the next card and studied it carefully, looking up at Tim and I then back down at the card, several times before before continuing, "I see true love, marriage, much laugh-ter and ha-ppi-ness. You, my dear will be a great mother of many."

That was it, she was done. Tim and I looked at each other, and back at her. She held out her hand for payment. Tim paid her, and we left the tent.

As we walked away from the gypsy, I wondered aloud how she could have known what she knew and if it meant I was predestined to that future or did I still have the ability to change it? After all, she did say the change would be triggered by me, but didn't say how.

Tim began laughing hysterically. "You're joking, right? You didn't really buy that vague, generic bullshit?" He asked, but soon realized I was serious.

"You don't think that stuff she said about death and life changes mean something," I asked him.

"That you would make a great lover? of many?" He began to laugh hysterically. "That would mean your destined to me a man whore? Or better yet," he looked me up down for emphasis, "A slutty girl?

"For you to take it as a girl, there's only one way," he continued while rubbing one of my butt cheeks, "she said you gonna get ran through."

More laughter erupted from Timmy.

"No dummy," I shoved him sideways with a well aimed shoulder bump. "She didn't say great lover, she said great mother."

Tim stopped laughing and his facial expression grew serious. "Ohhhh, 'great mother of many.' Well now, that changes everything. Oddly specific too." His serious look returned to a grin and he began to laugh again. "She's so good at knowing the unknown, but she couldn't see that you can't be a mother of many. You can't give birth. You can't have babies. You haven't got a womb! "

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