It's all right here

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Despite the fact that we had now 'kind of' teamed up with Morovitz, things went back to normal on Monday morning.

"Penn may be in jail but we aren't; we've gotta keep working" Mark muttered taking a bite out of an apple.

"That was a horrible way of putting it" London grumbled rolling her eyes and pulling her purse higher on her shoulder. Her black jeans and black long sleeve made her look like she was in mourning but London had always been a little over dramatic with things.

It seemed like lately all of our internal alarm clocks were in sync as we all got up at 6am sharp; but I had gotten little to no sleep what with London constantly going,

"You believe he's innocent right?"

"Yes, I do" I would sigh each and every time she asked this and turn over in my bed. By the time she went to bed for real I started mulling over possible scenarios to make sense of all of this.

Was it possible that Adam was making the whole thing up?

It was also very possible for Penn to have accumulated a steady stream of enemies especially given his line of business. For now, I pushed all of this away and tuned back into what was going on in the kitchen.

I had just gotten out of the shower, throwing on a pair of cotton joggers and a simple white vneck, and ran down the stairs.

"Let's get going if we don't wanna be late for school" Nate yelled running down the stairs and giving me a look, "I've got perfect attendance so far and I won't let either of you ruin it. STEPHEN!"

I grimaced as he screamed Stephen's name and Stephen came practically tumbling down, "Is me putting deodorant on, really going to ruin your stupid attendance?"

Mark had a slight grin on his face as we all began yelling at Nate to shut up and leave us all alone. I heard London throw in a couple remarks about his ensemble, a red plaid shirt with a pair of tan corduroy pants, and laughed despite myself.

"It's like nothing changed" Des remarked stirring her coffee and sitting at the table in her black sweatpants. She had dark circles under her eyes and I realized she was definitely going to need that cup of coffee if she expected to function properly.

"I can think of one person who should change... you look like a slob mother" Nate snapped taking in her messy black hair and oversized shirt which I was sure was Mark's.

"Go to ~"

"School. Go to school, that's what she was going to say" Mark quickly jumped in and gave Des a meaningful look. Des shrugged and shooed us off.

The moment the front door closed behind us Stephen threw his backpack off and stowed it behind the huge bush off to the side of the house.

"What are you doing?" I wondered puling my black cardigan around myself as Nate followed suit.

"We aren't going to school, feel free to follow our lead" Nate muttered tossing Stephen the keys as they quickly got into the car.

London and I exchanged confused glances but quickly followed after them into the car.

Nate hadn't said a word besides telling Stephen which turns to take and I glanced over at London. She looked just as confused as I did and I groaned.

"You're going to have to tell us what's going on if we're expected to play along"

Nate turned to look at me from the passenger seat and let out a loud sigh, "When we get there"

London sat forward with an incredulous look, "It's pretty obvious Stephen knows the big secret"

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