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a/n: sorry i haven't updated in so long 🤧 i've been buried in a ton of school work... i'll try my best to update more often for you guys!! thank you for reading!!

also, angst in this chapter 😬

wooyoung was woken up by a vibration from his phone. he realized san was asleep on his chest, so he tried his best not to wake him up as he grabbed his phone.

a text from yunho...

a text from yunho

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hmm... can't be that bad.

wooyoung entered san's address and sighed, wondering what this terrible news could be. he looked down and saw san, peacefully sleeping in his arms.

the beautiful view.

the beautiful view made all his worries go away.

he bent his head down and kissed his forehead.

san woke up shortly after, yawning and sighing as he noticed wooyoung wasn't in the bed next to him.

"wooyoung?" san called out.

"i'm in the kitchen."

san groaned as he stretched his arms out, he a bit sore from what happened last night. he stood up and went to his closet, pulling out an over-sized hoodie and some shorts. after changing into them, he went to join his boyfriend in the kitchen.

he was greeted with the smell of chocolate. "what're you making?"

"waffles. homemade waffles." wooyoung smiled when he looked up from the counter, and saw san sitting on top of it.

"who texted you so early?" san looked back at his boyfriend.

"oh, i didn't know you were up. it was yunho, he's meeting with us later today." wooyoung went back to cooking the waffles as worried thoughts came back to his mind.

"that's fine." san looked down to see rose. "did something happen to your dad?"

wooyoung stopped cooking.

"i'm... not so sure... i really hope not." he shook his head and went back to cooking.

"i bet he's alright. he's a strong guy... just like my boyfriend." san crept up behind wooyoung and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

wooyoung smiled. "i love you."
wooyoung turned his head and placed a quick kiss on san's cheek.

san smiled, feeling his face heat up. he nodded, "i love you too."

san walked away and knelt down to pet rose, who was watching.

a knock came from the front door. san quickly got up and opened it, to see a tall young man.

"hi, i'm yunho." the boy smiled and reached his hand out.

"i'm san, wooyoung's boyfriend." san reaches his hand out and took yunho's, shaking it.

"i'll go get wooyoung, make yourself comfortable." san gestured his hand for yunho to come in. the taller went to the couch and sat down.

san went to him and wooyoung's shared bedroom. "youngie!"


"yunho's here."

"okay." wooyoung got out of the bedroom and made his way to the couch, where yunho was seated.

yunho was a rather handsome young man, with dark brown hair. he was petting rose, who was laying next to him.

wooyoung took a step back when he remembered, he was here to deliver bad news.

yunho turned his head and stood up, facing wooyoung.

"hi wooyoung." yunho bowed slightly.

wooyoung nodded and went over to sit next to yunho.

"is the bad news.. about my dad..?" his heart beat quickened as he thought.

"well.." yunho's smile quickly dropped to a more serious expression.

"i'm so so sorry wooyoung. i really am." yunho stared, "your father.. he was.."

wooyoung looked into yunho's eyes, seeing tears form in them.

"well.." a tear finally fell from the boy's eyes. "i'm so sorry.. i wasn't there for him... your father was shot a few days ago."

wooyoung froze.

"it's all my fault. i wasn't there to protect him." yunho sniffled.

wooyoung just stared into space. he was completely out of it.

"im sorry." yunho said the words for what seemed like the hundredth time.

wooyoung went forward and hugged him. yunho was surprised at first, but hugged him back. that's when wooyoung finally broke as tears flowed down his face.

san was still in the bedroom, but heard all of this. he sighed as he mentally slapped himself. who the hell did this?

"i'm so sorry." yunho kept repeating.

"it's n-not your fault y-yunho." wooyoung cried into his shoulder.

yunho nodded and held him tighter.

a/n: angst 🤧🤧🤧

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