chapter 9

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Yoongi's POV

I was standing next to the window of my office with the glass in my hand. I heard a knock on the door.

Minho: "boss, Mr Yang is here."

Yoongi: "let him in."

I said while walking towards my desk. He just nodded and went out of my office. After some seconds, an aged man came inside my office.

Yoongi: "You have 5 minutes...I don't have much time to spend on your nonsenses."

He sat at the chair in front of me and talked, playing with my pen.

Mr yang: "what's with the rush? Are you going to have fun with my daughter again?"

He said his last words while looking at me with a smirk.

Yoongi: "Your daughter?"

Mr. Yang: "Yang Y/N."

So he is Y/N's father, huh? I was lost in my thoughts when I heard him talk.

Mr yang: "earth for you, Mr. Min."

He said while waving his hand in front of my face. I yanked it away and talked.

Yoongi: "what do you mean?"

Mr. Yang: "I mean, I know that my daughter is with you."

He said and took my father's signature pen. I immediately took it back and talked again.

Yoongi: "I guess you have forgotten what father told you."

I said, smirking.

Mr yang: "That is why I came here. I want my money now."

He said and leaned back at the chair.

Yoongi: "no money for you."

He stood up and banged his hand at the table.

Mr yang: "Are you kidding me now?!"

I took my glass and went towards the window.

Yoongi: "You failed your daughter. We agreed for you to keep her safe and healthy so she could marry my stepbrother Jeon Jungkook, but now she has scars all over her body, and that ruins our family's pride. It seems that you failed, so there's no other option than taking our revenge with death."

Mr yang: "My daughter is alive. You have no right to break the agreement."

I walked towards him and grabbed his collar.

Yoongi: "Who are you to decide if I should or shouldn't break MY agreement? Also, don't ever put the word ' daughter' on your dirty mouth. You have no daughter anymore!"

He kneeled and started begging.

Mr. Yang: "Mr. Min, please spare my life, daughter...I was out of my mind. She is my only family in this whole world. Please, give me a second chance. I will correct everything."

???: "Did you remember that you have a daughter now?"

I turned around, and it was Jungkook.

Jungkook: "I found out everything Y/N went through after her mother died. You made her suffer from different tortures."

Yoongi: "what are you talking about?"

He handed me an envelope, and I opened it. Some photos were showing a house's out view, inside view, and a basement. Where different torture items were kept. I turned the paper and saw a list with names. At the top was the family that lived in the house. I saw Y/N's picture, Yang and a lady, which I guess was her mother. Under them were the names that got kidnapped, and they have found pieces of evidence. Showing they were at that house.

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