chapter 14

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Yoongi's POV

I rushed inside the room, and he turned towards me with a surprised expression. With no second thought, he pointed the gun towards me.

Yoongi:"How come you survived?"

Y/N.S.F:"I won't die easily."

I took out my gun, pointing it towards him.

Yoongi:"free them, or else..."

Y/N.S.F:"Or else what?"

Yoongi:"Or else, Grim reaper won't let you go this time."

Y/N.S.F:"How childish you are-"

I shoot just in front of his feet, causing him to flinch and back of.

Yoongi:"Did you say something?"

Y/N.S.F:" Psychopath!!"

He shouted and pointed the gun towards my brother.

Y/N.SF:"Put down your gun!"

I was about to talk, but he pressed the gun at him, leaving me no choice. Just like that, I left my gun at the ground, surrendering my self.

Y/N.S.F:"I don't need your brother. I will just take back my daughter and leave. Away from Korea."


I heard her weak voice and turned around facing her.


I was about to rush towards her but got stopped.

Y/N.S.F:"Don't move!"

Yoongi:"Are you alright?"

I whispered and she nodded. I turned around and faced him.

Yoongi:"My men will be here soon. Do you think you can escape this time?"

Y/N.S.F:"I don't fear your f***ing men!"

Yoongi:"It doesn't matter, you will not have the time to fear them anyway."

Just like that, he collapsed down with blood all over the ground.

Hyunjin:"Sir. Are you alright?"

I nodded and my brothers with a bunch of men came inside.


They rushed towards him, untying him, while some of my men were untying Y/N.

Yoongi:"Where is Hoseok?"

Hyunjin:"They followed Kai and his men, which escaped."

I turned around and rushed towards Y/N. I helped her sit up and checked her from head to toe.

Yoongi:"Call the ambulance!"

Hyunjin:"Sir, this place is unknown, they won't find it easily."

Yoingi:"It's a whole fabric! How can it be unknown!?"

Hyunjin:"It was built illegally."

I am not shocked that Kai has chosen an illegal place.

Yoongi:"Will you be able to walk?"

She nodded and I helped her up.

Jimin:" This is all your fault! If you hadn't appeared in our life, we wouldn't lose all those men laying dead outside! Nor Jungkook would suffer like that."


Y/N:"I know... I bring misfortune anywhere I go."

Jimin:" Stop acting pitiful! You are just trying to seduce us, but it won't work on me!"


He turned around and walked out furiously.

Yoingi:"Don't mind him, let's go."

I helped her walk, but her legs were shaking, and it caused her to lose balance. Without a second thought, I lifted and carried her towards the car.
When I placed her inside, I touched her forehead, and she was burning.

Yoongi:"you have fever!"


I turned around and saw Hyunjin running towards me.

Hyunjin:"bad news. We can't go to hospital. The police is looking for you all over the city. Someone has reported you of stealing the files from the lee's president."

Yoongi:" of course, he wouldn't let go easily. Send some men to get Jennie and Jieun and let my brothers and father know that I will be at my Hill House."

He nodded and walked towards the other men.

TIME SKIP<next day>

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up and stretched my arms while yawning. I then looked around and saw Yoongi sleeping while resting his head on the bed. I stood up slowly and covered him with the blanket I was covered before. I then heard the doorbell and walked out the room. I opened the door and saw a man dressed in a suit.

Hyunjin:"Mrs. Min, I am Hyunjin, Mr Min's personal assist-"

Jennie:"Aish, get out of the way! Y/N!!!"

She hugged me, causing me to hiss.

Jieun:"You! Are you blind? She is injured!"


Y/N:"It's alright."

Jieun:"We brought some food. I am sure you haven't eaten something for days!"

She said and walked towards the kitchen. She is right, I'm starving.

Jennie:"Mr Min."

She bowed and I turned around.

Yoongi:" why are you on your legs!?"

He shouted, rushing towards me.

Jieun:"Sir, it's our fault. She heard the doorbell and came to open the door."

She said after coming out the kitchen.

Yoongi:"You could just wake me."


Jieun:"The food is ready."

She talked after seeing the awkwardness between us. We went towards the kitchen and sat down. Jennie served us the food and I looked at my plate and then at yoongi's.

Y/N:"Jennie? Why am I eating this plain soup while he is eating steak?"

Jennie:"because you are sick."

Y/N:"I am just injured, not sick..."

Jennie:" um. It's same...?"

I turned back and took my spoon. Better some plain soup than nothing. I was about to dip the spoon at the soup when he placed a slice of steak at it.

Yoongi:"eat it, or I'm taking it back."

Without a second thought, I ate the whole thing. He chuckled and continued eating.

I hope you like the new version. If you have read it before, of course. But no blames, my story was broke and drunk😌

Anyway, I hope you like it.

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