Chapter Three

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So I just woke up I already took a shower, ate breakfast and gave Ailey breakfast she slept with me so she woke when I woke up. I sent her to moms room as I was leaving and give her her tablet to keep her busy.

I arrived at school and sat on the round about until I see Matt coming up to me.

"Hey sia" Matt greeted.

"Hey Matt" I greeted back. "oh, so no baby sia?"

"No Kaleb told us not to and also your cousin." He answered.

"Okay." I breathed out.

"So why are you here so early?,  you don't look like a morning person or school person." he ask.

"Well I got in a fight with my mother"  I answered. "and I didn't want to see her stupid."

"A bad girl are you sia?"  Matt asks. That's right I am a bad girl, and a rude one also.

"Well you can say that and add rude and stubborn to that."  well he needed to know how bad I was. "You know I used to have a boyfriend, he got me in a lot of trouble, he was dangerous I liked dangerous, he's like four years older than me,  but one day he got me into this huge mess that couldn't be cleaned up I had to lie, he ended up in juvenile, my parents and his parents sent him there."

"Wow.... So how long was that?" he questioned.

"Ahhh.....(Clears throat)...n-not long before, its actually before I moved here." I....doing. I looked away try avoiding eye contact. "How look our friends are here. "  Subject is now change I hope he never ask me about this.

"What the heck Aleesia how could you left so early without telling anyone you were leaving?  Not even your mom "  could she speak anymore calmer the whole school is listening.

"Look Alisha, aunty little girl,  I don't have to tell mom anything I mean where else could I go."  I raised my eyebrow. "back to carlos?"

"Why are you being like this Aleesia after everything your mother is doing for you and your bastard of a child." she put her hands over her mouth realizing what she just said not only did she call my child bastard but told the whole school of course other kids were watching.

"I-I didn't mean to say that Aleesia am so sor-

That's right I cut her off by giving her a well deserved slap across her face.

"I hate you and I never want to speak to you again and guess what Alisha you are the real bastard your mom died and your father doesn't even care about your lucky mom and dad took you in else you would be an orphan."  I didn't even care about the words I let out anymore she should know how it feel. "Yes Alisha uncle was gonna give you away I cried to my parents to let you be my sister for you to stay and now I regret it"  Now she starts crying. We're even.

"Aleesia you shouldn't have said that she's your cousin why do you hav-

"Did I ask for a comment Kaleb? don't get on my wrong side" range and ander filled me. "what about what she said, she called Ailey a bastard Kaleb" I look him in the eye. "Oh you like her now?"
I ask her. "You know it doesn't matter we aren't together you can have her. "

"I don't want her Aleesia I want -

"Aleesia Kristalisa Dennie and Alisha Aleesi Dennie get in the car right this instant"  Mom shouted from the  car.

"Don't call me."  I said to Kaleb without looking at him.

I went in the front passenger seat beside mom.

"Mom just so you know Alisha started it."  I spoke first.

And no one else spoke on the ride home.
We arrive at home dad was there in is work clothes. Sitting on the couch.

"So I was leaving to work and got a call from your principal saying you guys were getting out of hand cursing each other and each of you spoke personal stuff"  Dad spoke.

"Dad she started this she called Ailey a bastard when she is the one who is."  I have a feeling this is not going to end well.  "Mom she told almost the whole school and now the internet is going to blow up about me and my child"

"Mommy?..why are you shouting why are you and Aunty here" Ailey comes in and sit on my lap hugging me.

"Well Ailey,  you see Alisha called you a bad name that's why am upset"  I answered her. "And mom came and get us from school why don't you go to my room I'll be up"

"okay and hurry"  Her voice is just sweet. I love her and I will do anything for her.

"You shouldn't have talk about her father like that in front if everyone Aleesia." mom spoke.

"I see you don't care about me or Ailey anymore, she has grown to love me more is that right mother" I cried.  " You only care about Alisha"

"She's your child Aleesia of course she'll love you more,  your a mother act like one, your not a child anymore and we are not sending you to anymore school"  oh really mom now you said it.

"Dad? You don't want me back to school? I'm your daughter not Alisha" I said calmly tears still coming.

"Am sorry hon-  

And I stomp my way upstairs to my daughter the only person I have now.

It was now late in the night and Ailey fell asleep watching nursery rhymes. I heard a knocking on the window I went over and saw Kaleb and opened it.

"You know am still upset with you for taking Alisha's side"  I said sitting down on the couch in my room.

"Nursery rhymes? "  he raised an eyebrow looking at the TV.

"Yeah Ailey was watching she fell asleep" I answered him.

"You know what you said was more harsh" he started

"Why does it feel like I regretted letting you in" I looked at him crossing my arms.

"look she was wrong too,  but a lot of teenagers are getting pregnant these days nothing is wrong with having a child" oh my god he does not understand.

"Kaleb I had her at 13  I  was young and and I got  caught up with this older boy,  shes 4 now kaleb how am I going to provide for her later in life if am not going to school" I cried.  "they stop me from going to school. "

"Hey I got you,  don't cry" he spoke softly holding me it felt so good I belong here.


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