Chapter Fifteen

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"What are you doing here and how did you find me?" I back away as he walked towards me.

"What am I doing here? I'm here for you and my kid." Carlos shouted."Guys check upstairs."

"No you're not touching my daughter" and before I could move off the other guy held me.

"You know your boyfriend would be here now but I probably think he is looking for me now, he got false news that I was seen somewhere, so that was the catch to get you and my kid out of here."  Carlos said walking up close to me and I spat in his face.

So that's what he couldn't tell me

"You won't get away with this, Kaleb is going to find us no matter what and we'll finish you once and for all." I shouted angrily.

"Oh look she's asleep, get them in the car and move out."  Carlos ordered.

They took Ailey and I to the car and wined up the windows and drove off.

"You're going to be so sorry." I shook my head hold Ailey tightly in my arms.


Kaleb's  POV

I feel so guilty about not telling her that I got news that Carlos was spotted somewhere but I have to keep her safe but by doing that I have to catch him first.

"Sir we heard that it was fake news that our target was spotted."  One of the men informed.

"Damn it! Turn the car around." I  shouted angrily at the driver.

I started dialing Sia's number. Please pick up, please pick up. The phone rang out every time I called. Damn it, this is all my fault. I just hope nothing has happened and she is at home safe.

If anything happen to her or Ailey he will suffer.

By the time we reach her gate the door was left open my men searched the house there was no sign of them.

I decided to go home and talk to my father about our plan to get Aleesia.

It looks like news have travelled quickly because by the time I reached home everyone was already waiting for me.

"Hey, I heard what happened and we will find her and let that bastard suffer, okay." Kayla comfortingly said.

"I swear Kayla if I see one scratch on any of them he will pay."  I started getting angrier by the minute.

I walked over to my father.

"Dad it's time, we need to move out now just call the guards I don't want anything to happen to her." I said to him.

"Son we can't move out don't you think they have men watching us we need to wait, by the way have you called her parents to inform them that your girlfriend and her daughter have been kidnapped?." I shook my head no. "Then go do that and I'll gather the men." My father instructed.

I talked to Aleesia's parents they said there leaving first thing tomorrow to come here I also told my friends, they said they want to help me beat the shit out of them.

"Kaleb Dad said you should come the tracker came up." Kayla informed.

Dad's men already started going in the van each of them with there own guns.

If you haven't realized my Dad is a Secretive mafia gang leader many people do not know and its better that way so that is why I don't talk much about him.

"Kaleb this car." Dad pointed to the one behind the van the men were entering.

I'm coming Aleesia just hold on.


Aleesia's POV

"Mommy......Mommy wake up!"

Ailey voice woke me up.

"Im up, I'm up." I almost forgot a second there that I wasn't home and that Carlos had kidnapped us.

The drive was so long to here it was a five hour drive and they didn't even
stop once.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Ailey said.

Now what should I do I don't want to eat anything at this place. But my baby is hungry so he's going to have to buy something to eat.

But before I call for Carlos I need to turn on the tracker that Kaleb's Dad have them place in my teeth the first time we met.

"Carlos!" I knocked on the door. "Carlos!" I knocked again.

By the time I was going to call another time the door opened and he came.

"My daughter is hungry so I hoped you did stop to buy something while I was asleep." I said I can't even look at his face.

"My baby girl is hungry, I'll get you something to eat." He said to Ailey.

"Don't-don't call her that!" I shouted after him. He just look at me and left.

In about 15 minutes another man came in with food. Two cheese burgers and fries along with drinks. I'm afraid to eat from the devil but I can't starve myself and my daughter I don't know when Kaleb is getting here.

"You need to eat up okay Ailey?" I said to Ailey and she nodded eating her fries and mine at the same time this girl really likes fries she really does take everything after me she only has Carlos hair and Im going to dye it in Kaleb's hair colour.

My parents must be worried. I hate that I miss them they have been gone for two weeks and its the first am missing them. I have to try and get one of those side phones that the guards have to try and call Kaleb but how am going to get it.

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