Chapter Twelve

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The next morning I woke up Kaleb didn't wake as yet he was just snoring so softly sleeping so peacefully I just hope Carlos will never find where I live and turn our lives into a mess.

"Am I that beautiful that you always watch me sleep."  Kaleb ask with a groggy voice as he wake up.

"No you're that handsome."  I answered playing with his hair.

"Am so glad that that you are mine."  Kaleb said putting is hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Someone's in the mood." I said as Kaleb kissed me.

"Say your mine." Kaleb whisper in my ear. I didn't say it so he went on top of me and start tickling me.

"Okay stop I'll say it." I say to him and he did stop. "Am yours." I finally said it the tickling was too much for me.

"And only mine?" he ask.

"And only yours." I answered and we start to kiss we won't be able to stop what's coming next because I wanted what was coming next.


Half hour later we decided to go downstairs so we took a shower before going downstairs, not together thou.

Kaleb went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast with Zach walking behind him.

Zach said Kayla hasn't wake so I went out to the front porch to sit and take in the morning breeze.

Alisha came out with a look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask her immediately.

"Mathew and I slept together." She said not afraid to say.

"Sleep or sleep sleep?" I ask making sure.

"We slept together Aleesia after we finished washed plates last night he told me he liked me and then we kissed next thing I know I was in his bed." She whispered the last part.

"So I  take it everyone had *e* last night?" Abby said and kind of ask at the same time Kayla following from behind her and sits beside me.

"Of Course how could we not."  Kayla answered.

"Sia with that body of yours Im sure Kaleb couldn't keep off." Abby said to me.

"Even it is my brother Abby is talking about its true he had is hand on you through out dinner the whole time last night." Kayla agreed with Abby I can't take it with them.

"That's where your wrong we only did it this morning."  I told them.

"Because one of you were tired Aleesia." Kayla said.

"Hey why don't we shift our focus on Alisha now?" I suggest tired of them talking about me.

"Me?" Alisha ask.

"Yes you, I'm pretty sure after you and Matt finished the dishes you  just hit off right there." Kayla said saying exactly what happened.

Alisha admitted it to them and with that Abby gave both me and Kayla $20 each.

We made a bet that if they slept together  Kayla and I will each get $20 but Abby didn't agree so if they didn't sleep together we'll both give her $20.

"So you guys were betting on me?" Alisha ask.

"Of Course we was, good choice thou." Kayla answered.

"Ladies breakfast is ready." Zach opened the door and said. We went inside and take a seat at the table.

"So brother how was your first night here?."  Kayla ask. I know just what she's getting at.

"Fine" he answered.

"And morning?" she ask yet another question.

"Also fine" he answered.

"What about you Zach how was your....night with Kayla did you guys sleep well?" I ask.

"Of Course we slept well infact last night was kind of cold so we cozy up with each other." I thought for a while that Zach was going to say last night was great.

"Right." I said turning to Kayla.

"What about you Malik?." Kayla ask.

"It was okay I guess" Malik answered.

"And you Matt how was your night sleeping alone?."  Abby ask.

"Well Alisha and I slept together last night, I know you guys were waiting for us to start dating a long time ago we are planning a date next week after we leave here."  Matt said to everyone.

"Yeah only you told the truth about last nighy." Kayla said to Matt looking at Zach when she said the last part while putting emphasis on it.


All of us are outside in the pool having fun we decided that we'll use the pool at breakfast after the whole talk of who did what last night and this morning.
Apparently Zack and Kayla did it last night and this morning.

"So guys why don't we go out tomorrow to shop?" Alisha suggested.

"Of Course that's a great idea." Abby agreed of course she would have agreed shopping is what she live for.

Everyone also agreed to go shopping.

The time was getting cold and and the rain suddenly came down hard we had to go in side and closed the slide door. I took a warm bath and went downstairs with my blanket, the others are sitting comfortably on the couches drinking hot chocolate tea it seems Alisha haven't come down yet. Kaleb was sitting on the small couch why did he have to choose there. I went over to him and squeeze in beside him and took my cup of hot chocolate tea and drank it.

Outside was getting so foggy and the place was getting colder by the minute and I was trembling so bad under my blanket so Kaleb shared his blanket with me and put his arm around me to keep me warm.

Kaleb's POV

After Aleesia drank her hot chocolate tea I see that she was still cold because she was trembling so much how could she be this cold she had on my sweatpants and my sweater she also had on my socks she maybe even wearing my boxers she is basically in all my clothes but I don't mind at all.

I decided to share my blanket with her even thou she had hers I just want her to keep warm.

"Cálmate mi amor" I said so only she can hear.

"Translate Kaleb you know I don't understand Spanish I only know a few words."  She said telling me to  translate what I just said.

"I said, keep warm my love." I translated for her. I have to teach both her and Ailey spanish since they're going to be around my family a lot.

I didn't think it reach a good 20mins when Aleesia fell a sleep. I carried her upstairs and lay down beside her to keep her warm she snuggled into me.

I don't ever want to lose her or Ailey.

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