Chapter Six

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Its now late in the night and Ailey fell a sleep like 10 minutes ago. I decided to watch the video Kaleb sent. Its a video of when I was asleep and he was kissing me all over my face and my shoulder and down my arm and him whispering I love you in my ears enough for it to be heard in the video and the video ended with him saying he'll keep me and daughter safe. I really do sleep like a dead person. I decided to text Kaleb.

Aleesia: I love you too kaleb and today was fun with you here.

Kaleb: I had fun too, I already miss you, I see you watched the video.

Aleesia: Yeah, I can't believe you did that and I didn't hear you or wake up.

Kaleb: So did you tell Ailey to ask me if I could be her dad.

Aleesia: Actually she ask me and then I told her to ask you so I video called.

Kaleb: I wish I was there in that bath with you alone all night long.

Aleesia: Yeah, you know I always walk in my room naked but I can't now.

Kaleb: Are sure its a camera Sia?

Aleesia: Yes am sure. I'm sleepy am going to bed, okay?

Kaleb: Okay... I love you and good night .

Aleesia: Gn

I hear a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" dad call from out the door.

"Yes dad." I answered sitting up on the bed carefully not waking Ailey.

"I figured your awake." dad stated.

"I was about to." I stated.

"So I want to talk to you about your behavior to your mom, you need to do better., " dad started his oh so long lecturing.

"Dad I apologized." I try to say calmly.

"At dinner-

"I did nothing at dinner father." I cut him off.

"Did I say you did anything, look your mother do not like you bringing up your sister so you should stop, she's not in this family."

"Dad how can you say that, she is family to me thou, is she like a crazy person dad, or is she dead?, does she not know she has a younger sister who thinks about her everyday even thou I haven't met her, it must be one of those." I questioned. "oh my god, dad is it because she's not yours?"

"Of Course not Aleesia, I love her the same I love you." Dad answered

"Does that mean you saw her recently?"
I started crying I just want to meet her for the first time.

"Look have some sleep." dad said covering me up with the sheet.

I fell into a deep sleep.

The next day came by quickly I had a dream that I met my sister and she told me she was pregnant with twins, I didn't see her face and she was turned backwards and it was night time right by my window. What a dream.

I got out of bed and leave Ailey there.

"Good morning" I said to everyone they all answered at the same time.

"So mom did you enjoy watching dad talking to me through the camera?." I ask.

"what?" really mom you said what.

"The camera in my room?" I raise my eyebrow. "I need it out like today, I bet none is in Alisha's room." I stated. "You know I walk in my room naked and my body is for only one person to see, I mean two my daughter and someone else. She's still a baby so she can see me."

"How do you know it was in their?" mom quickly ask.

"I saw when the guy was installing it, heard actually I wasn't sleeping if you thought I was." I answered getting milk from the fridge to make some cereal. "so mom why?"

"You know why."


"Yes Kaleb, I don't want you getting close to him, I don't want you to make the same mistake twice. " Mom stated.

"Mom am almost 18, you can't stop me from dating." why am I always arguing with her gosh.

"I can as long as you're under my roof." when she said those words I let out a scream and went upstairs.

I take a knife up to my room with me, I hear mom call me but I didn't answer.

I stand on my chair and started stabbing the camera until everything came down.

"Aleesia what are you-
Mom said and cut herself off when she see what I was doing. They went back downstairs.

"I already called the babysitter, am leaving now come on Alisha." I said as I went back downstairs grabbing my bag to leave.

So we arrive at school in one piece I see Kaleb as I get out the car with Alisha. I walk fastly to meet him he didn't see me he has is back turned. I hug him from his back.

"Hey" I said kinda shyly only because the others are there.

"Hey you." he turned around facing me and he gives me a kiss.

"You can do better,"

"I would but I won't be able to stop myself." he says biting his lips.

"I'll stop you" I said. As he was about to kiss me I put my hand there to stop him.
"there I stopped you."

"That's what you get for not kissing her longer the first time, bro." Kayla said longing her tongue out. "Hey am glad your mom let you come back."

Well am glad too. She hug me then everyone else say they miss me and hug me also.

"Well........Ashley?," I raise my eyebrows towards Ashley for her to go if sh is gonna tell.

"Its okay am not telling." Alisha says.

"Well I told my mom I was going to stay away from Kaleb but we all know we're like magnet, so she bought that." I told them. "anyways, we can hang out at the ice cream place after school everyday, because mom got me a job there."

"Free ice cream." Zach said loudly licking his lips.

"Can't wait to share our first ice cream together." Kaleb said kissing me on my jaw.

The bell rang so I didn't respond, we all went to our classes.

No one pays attention in this class I usually do but now I don't, our boring history class.

I turned to Kaleb.

"So I confront my parents about the camera I stabbed it out myself."

"You did, your that rude to stab it all out in front them, by the way so does that mean I can come over tonight?." he ask. He doesn't have to ask twice.

"I don't see why not." I give him my permission. "through the window thou"

"I know" he stated.

Lunch time has passed we talked about a lot of things, about Ailey especially and her hair. At Least now they know she got it from her real father. Abby asked to be Ailey's god mother since she will call Kayla aunt and Zach uncle and she is already calling Alisha aunt. And that she will soon call Kaleb daddy. That's when Matt asked to be the god father I just agreed on everything.

I have a feeling that Kaleb and I are going to be together for a long time. He will be Ailey's loving father. And when we get married I will add his last name to hers she will be Ailey Kristal Dennie Garcia. And I will be Mrs. Aleesia Dennie-Garcia.

"Earth to Sia," I hear Kaleb voice saying. "what are you thinking about?"

"Life with you." I really am in love with him. "how I can't wait to get your last name. "

"You will get it babe, as soon as we leave this place or maybe during college." he said holding my hand. "my last name is only for you to take once we are married."

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