Chapter Nine

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So for the past weeks I have been at Kaleb's house with his father planning how we could get carlos locked up for good.

And we got an address and phone number to where my sister lives.

Kaleb's father is kind of like a police but not one. He's also a billionaire and owns a lot of companies all over. He says he could get Carlos locked up anytime but he has to have at least some kind of evidence.

"So where are you guys going on your date?." my Aunt ask combing my hair. Kaleb decided its time we go on a real date mom didn't want me to go but Aunty Alexis convince her to let me go.

"He said a restaurant let me refrain that he said one of The best restaurant any one could ever eat at he didn't even want to tell me but mom wanted to know, she even tells me what time I need to be home."

"Well you're 17 she has the right to tell you what time you need to be back in her house." Aunt Alexis puts in agreeing with mom.

"It's my house too and I don't even have to come home I could just go over to kaleb's. Its our first real date you know." My hair is now finished and Aunty Alexis turn the chair with me facing her. "Aunty Alexis my mom doesn't like him."

"She does like him Aleesia she just doesn't want you to get hurt again."
She said and give me a kiss on my forehead.

"She doesn't even treat me like how she use to she doesn't love me any-

"Hey don't you say she doesn't because she does, and I do too, I love you like a daughter, look here's what your gonna do, your going to go on your date and come home after so we can talk about everything okay." she cut me off trying to keep me calm. She kissed me again on my forehead.

"I love you, Aunty Alexis."

"I love you more Aleesia, now come on I think I hear Kaleb's Voice downstairs." she said going out the door.

I kissed Ailey good night she was sleeping on my bed she said she sleeps more comfortable there.

I went downstairs.

Kaleb's POV

As Sia walks down the stairs she looks so breathtaking in the blue dress she's wearing showing all her curves showing in it. I think if good looks could kill I'd be dead already.

"H-hey." (cleats throat.) "Aah you look great." I said to her not taking my eyes off her it was when-

"Geez Kaleb you don't have to drool all over your new suit." Alisha said from beside me.

"What? Am not drooling." I said to Alisha.

"Kaleb ignore her, thank you and you look very sharp and handsome in your suit." she says looking at me from head to toe. "And I like how your hair is done." she complemented.

"Yes, thank you." I said thanking her.

"So are you ready?" I ask Aleesia.

"Just let me get a cup of water" she responded going towards the fridge.

"Hey you better keep her safe and please don't ever hurt her." her Aunt said sternly. "because I know where you live."

"My sister already gave me that warning and I would never hurt her, that is a promise Alexis."

"Come on lets go." she says taking my arm in hers. "Bye guys."

"Be safe." Alisha says to us.

"You kids enjoy your night." Alexis says.

Aleesia's POV

We are on our way to go on our first date. None of us as said a word as yet.

"Are you okay?" Kaleb ask looking at me for a quick 2 seconds.

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