Chapter Sixteen

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Kaleb's POV

We are almost at the destination where the tracker was found that we placed in Aleesia's teeth incase something like this happened.

I just hope she's okay. I'm going to kill every last one of those men who accompanied him in kidnapping her.

"Boss we're five minutes there, we should get ready." One of the men informed my dad.


Aleesia's POV

Gunshots that's what woke me up that means Kaleb is here, I didn't know he would find me this soon I just hope he doesn't get hurt in the shoot out.

I woke Ailey up and held her tightly in my arms. Carlos and one of his other men burst came in the room with guns.

Ailey started to cry and I put her behind me shielding her.

"I guess you were right on depending on your little boyfriend but if I'm not having you or my daughter he's not having  neither of you so he's going to find you both dead." Carlos said wickedly pointing the gun at us.

"Carlos you can't do this even if I die you won't get away, look, she's just a baby an innocent child just let her go." I pleaded with tears in my eyes.

"Sir just let the kid go you can keep the kid." The man that came in with him said.

"What good does it do I'll just kill both of them and then kill myself." Carlos shouted angrily still pointing the gun at us.

Before I know it there were too loud gunshots hitting Carlos and the other guy but Carlos  fell to the ground he pulled the trigger shooting me straight in my stomach.

Kaleb quickly ran straight up to me.

"Sia, babe are you okay?" Kaleb ask holding me. "Kayla come and get Ailey." Kaleb shouted downstairs.

"Kaleb it hurts so bad." I cried.

"Its okay I will get you to the hospital." Kaleb worriedly said. "Nothing will happen to you."

"Kayla!!" Kaleb called again.

"Uncle Kaleb is mommy going to be okay." Ailey ask.

"Yes she is going to be okay." he said more to himself than to Ailey.

"What happened?"  Kayla ask as soon as she saw me.

"I shot him and before he went down he shot Aleesia." Kaleb explained.

"Don't worry he's not dead he'll slowly feel all the pain he deserve." Kayla said taking up Ailey and Kaleb took me up.

"We need to go to the hospital ASAP."
Kaleb told Kayla.

Kaleb quickly took me to the car to take me to the hospital.

"You need to stay awake babe." Kaleb said moving some of my hair from out of my face.

"I can't, the pain just hurts so badly, please make it stop Kaleb."  I cried getting more and more tired by the minute.

"I know, the doctor will stop the pain okay?" He assured me. I nodded my head yes because I was too tired to talk.

I slowly drowse of to sleep.


Kaleb's POV

As Aleesia cry in pain I wish I could take all her pain away I hate to see her pain.

"Sia, Aleesia wake up!" I shook her but she didn't wake.

I started getting worried her pulse was weak. The car pulled up to the hospital and I took no time to get out I quickly bring her inside the hospital with Kayla following behind behind me with Ailey.

The doctors took Aleesia into surgery and we're now waiting to see what happens.

I got something for Ailey to eat and she's now asleep in Alisha's lap.

I called Aleesia's mother and father when they began the surgery and they were at the airport, Alisha came before they arrive and her Aunt Alexis.

Two doctors walk up to us.

"All of you are Aleesia's family?" The doctor ask.

"Yes." Mrs. Dennie answered.

"So we got bad news and good news the bad news is she lost a lot of blood so we're going to need a blood donor, and because of the blood lost and where she was shot she lost the baby-"

"Wait-what baby?" I cut off the doctor.

"Weren't you aware that Ms. Dennie was pregnant?" The doctor asked.

I got silent.

"No we didn't know she was with child." Aleesia's mother answered.

"He killed my unborn child and put my girl in the hospital!!" I shouted getting angry by the second.

"Kaleb you need to calm down." Kayla said trying to calm me. "Remember we'll deal with him when we get home."

"Continue." Kayla told the doctor.

"The other bad news is she's in a coma and the good news is she won't be in it for long." The doctor continued and Mrs. Dennie started to cry and her husband comforted her.

"I'll donate my blood we have the same blood type." Alexis said.

"Well this way please." The doctor directed.

"Wait can we see her?" I ask.

"Yes you can but one at a time." The doctor informed. 

I got up and went in there first.

She just look like she is sleeping so peacefully but she's not she is in a coma.

"Don't worry Aleesia I'll let him pay."

I got out of the room and told them I was leaving, it's time to let that bastard suffer.

When I  got home Dad said he don't want me to get my hands in that kind of dirt because once I start I won't be able to stop so he'll make his men deal with him and that he wont get a easy death.

I can't believe Aleesia was pregnant how could she not know but because of that bastard my baby didn't get a chance to see life.


It has been three weeks and Aleesia haven't woken up from the coma. All her friends came to visit and most time I stay the night with Ailey she always want to come with me and she always sleep beside Aleesia anytime we stay the night.

Most times Ailey just start crying saying she wants her mommy and saying she's sleeping too long I just comfort her most times.

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