Chapter Five

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Alisha's POV

I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing. Its Kaleb calling.

"Yeah"  I  answered moving my hair out of my face.

"Sorry I left without you knowing your parents came and I didn't want them to know I was there"  he said worriedly.

"It's okay, talk later?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, bye" he said.

"Bye"  and I ended the phone call.

I went downstairs to see dad and Ashley and mom holding Ailey.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hey hun, I came to check on you but you were sleeping."  dad said.

"Yeah, Ailey and I went to the grocery store and we ran into Carla then we came home eat and watch a couple of nursery rhymes, so I got really sleepy after Ailey fell asleep."  I explained myself.

"You ran into Carla?"  mom ask. Didn't I just say I did.

"Yes,  and she bought Ailey that blue teddy over there."  I pointed to the teddy bear.

"what did she say about carlos?"  Mom ask yet another questions I think am gonna put a little lie into this.

"Nothing, not a single thing, only that he's out and he says he is gonna look for me and his child and that we belong with him and threatens if any of you get in the way you know what's coming."  I tell them. "so I was thinking since you guys don't need me any more I will take my daughter and go freely. "

"Are you out of your mind you are staying here you're not going anywhere, what do you mean we don't need you anymore you are our daughter. "  dad shouted.

"Well your precious wife don't need me she has Ashley, even Ashley doesn't talk to me,  neither does mom until now. "  I said looking straight at mom.
"I feel left out dad, Like I don't belong here anymore."

"What makes you think that, because I simply told you I don't want any boys in your room or any friends in the house."   mom argued back.

"Well did you know Ashley brought them here?"  I ask

"They only wanted to tell her hi, and they left right after."  Ashley said.

"Look sweet heart I do love you but I don't want you to get close to any boys not until you graduate high school or college. Okay?"  Why does mom have to talk like this everytime. Its not like I sleep with every boy I meet because I haven't only carlos and Kaleb now.

"Okay.....If am not going to school can I at least get a job in the meantime?"  I ask mom.

"Look where going to let you have online school but I can ask Miss henry to give you a job at the ice cream place."
Mom smiled.

"Mom I don't want online school, I want to graduate with my friends please, Mom I will stay away from Kaleb I promise."  I begged.

"Okay,  you can go back to school, but we have to do something about Carlos, you and Alisha should always be together." mom said looking at me and Alisha. "Okay?"

"Okay mom, am sorry for the way I was behaving."  I apologize.

"Come here,"  she hugged me. "I will always need you in my life."

"So can I still get that job, I can work after school Kaleb I mean, Ashley will wait for me there,  right Ashley?" 

"Right."  she answered.

"I'll talk to Miss henry. "  mom said.

"Thank you, mom."

My phone started ringing oh its Kaleb again.  I thought he said later he'll call.

"Hey?" I answered.

"Hey look, I talked to my father and my mom about what you told me about your ex and my father said he wants to meet you before he can help."  I walk  outside and sit on the steps.

"When will I be able to do that Kaleb?" I ask. "Oh I forgot they said I can go back to school so maybe I could act sick one of the days and you could take me. "

"Good plan."  Kaleb agreed.

"By the way I don't think you can sneak over again, I think they put cameras in the house to watch me its like they don't, so, I think you guys are allowed in the house."  I said.

"So no kissing?" he ask.

"No but we could hug."  I answered. "I thought your father wasn't here?"

"He's coming in a week and half." he answered.  "So how do you know they have cameras in the house?"

"Well I saw when dad and mom was in the room and this man was putting it in the wall, they thought I was sleeping and when am asleep I sleep like a dead person so... I also want to confront  them about it but am afraid to."

"Just ask them what they were doing in their, that you heard them talking in your room and you really do sleep like a dead person, am going to send you a video to you."  he said. 

"Okay Kaleb, bye." And he ended the call this time.

"Hey dinner is ready."  Ashley said as she open the door.

"Wait." I stop her before she went back inside. "Am sorry for telling you those things about your father, even though I still think you should have known but not that way, and I love you and I hope you still love me."

Then she hug me tightly and I hug her back.

"Of Course I do still love you, you have always been there for me."  we pulled apart and went inside.

We all sat at the table eating peacefully talking about school and colleges,  about which school Ailey's going, and about mom and dad childhood stories thats just about it.

"So mom please don't get mad, but can I even meet her?. "  I ask.

"Meet who?" she questioned.

"My sister Of course."  I answered. "please, I don't even know her name."

"Her name is Annalisa that's only what you are going to know, now don't bring up back this conversation."  Mom said.

"But-" mom cuts me off.

"Aleesia !!!"  Mom shouted.

"Come on Ailey lets go take a bubble bath together." I take Ailey up. "Excuse us."  we went upstairs and started the bath.

"yeah bubble bath, bubble bath." Ailey loudly said with happiness. "when is Kaleb coming back?"

"I don't know, hey why don't you call him Uncle Kaleb. " I suggest.

"Okay" she agrees.

"So do you like Uncle Kaleb?" I ask her as we both go in the bath.

"Yes,  is he going to be my daddy?"  she ask playing with the rubber ducky.

"Why don't I call him now,  and you ask him."  I take my phone up to video call Kaleb.

"Hey, someone wants to talk to you. "  I said to Kaleb through the video call.

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