Continuing on...

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. I stood there in the dark. Babe?" I whimpered. I started my way. I would scream of something touched me..." Babe?" I tried again. What if someone kidnapped her? I hope not... Please oh please let her be okay... There was no light anywhere.... just the faint glow of the moon. I could make out the stars in the sky, the tops of the trees... Nothing else really.... Where was she... Where was I... Please let me find her.... It was like I was trapped alone... Nobody for miles... That was a lie I just the car... I waddled around... Whispering her name... I tried to yell it but I was to nervous... To scared... I looked grabbed left and right where could she be... Light! There's light!! I see shadows!!! Two or one!!! "Vannie!!! Baby!!! I love you!!" I yelled as I ran toward them

Chapter 32:

Nialls Pov 

"I love you!" I whispered to Vannie as we were cuddled up on the ground. She smiled. I kissed her forehead. Our shadow flicked in the dim light of the building in front of us. It was dark. I was tired. She was tired. She let a yawn. "Sorry" I whispered "For what?" She whispered back "Waking up" I told her. "It's okay.." She trailed "What wrong?" I asked "It's cold" she whispered. I put my arms around her and pulled her close. "Is that better?" I asked. She nodded. She was cold. She shivered underneath my arm. "Do you want to go back?" I asked. She shook her head. I kissed her nose. She buried her face in me. I stroked her hair. I wanted to stay here. I wanted to stay here with here. This could be no better feeling than having her in my arms. We've been out here for about 2 hours by now. We left about 4. It was early,  but it was the only time I could spend with her. I knew we'd have to go back before everybody else woke up. I wanted to stay here though. I didn't want to leave now. I wanted to stay here with her. I wanted to hold her in my arms more before I had to give her back to Harry. Before I had to be reminded she wasn't mine. Before I has to go back to reality. She was starting to warm up. She wasn't as cold. She let out a shiver here and there. We quiet. I closed my eyes to savior the moment. We stayed like that for awhile "Babe?" I heard a distance yell. I opened my eyes. She looked worried. I kissed her than ran to hide. I saw her stand up and pretend to be busy doing something.

Vannies Pov 

I pretend to look for money while I stood next to a vending machine. "Vannie!!! Baby!!! I love you!!!" I heard a chant before I got swooped up in Harry's arm. "Harry" I said. "Are you okay? Your cold?" He said as he held me in his arms. "Yeah" I said with a yawn. "Let's get you back..." He said as he searched the dark area. "Use this" I said dazed as I handed him my phone. It worked. I think.

Harry's Pov 

I found her! Thank God!  How was I going to get back? I looked at her phone she handed me. Do I call somebody? She was starting to fall asleep in my arms. I didn't want to bother her. I could tell she was tired. I heard a sound from behind me. I turned around I could see anything. I stared to run. Then I stopped. I grabbed her phone. I turned it on. There was a glow from the screen. I used that to guide me way back. It took a while but I made it. I pulled open the car door. I kissed her as I sat her inside. She was sound asleep and frozen. I grabbed a sweat shirt and out it around her. That would work. I pulled her close to me. I tired to warm her up some. I had my arms around her. She felt like a sheet of Ice. She sniffled in her sleep.  The shirt was a little big on her. She looked so peaceful. "I love you..." I whispered knowing she won't hear me. I pulled her as close as I could and watched a smile spread on her face. I kissed her. I watched her as she slept. I slowly fell asleep as she let out long breaths.

Niall's  Pov

There she goes..... I thought to my self. I watched behind a tree. After they disappeared out of sight I got out from behind it. I sneezed... Great a cold... I stood there for a while so they won't know she was with me. I grabbed my flashlight out of my pocket. I turned it up and led my way back to the car. I got in quietly so I won't wake anybody. She and Harry slept cuddled up together. There was a pain in my heart from that sight. She was wearing his sweat shirt. He must've put it on her. I was cold too. I stayed just as I was. I didn't want to give any clues to where I was. I couldn't sleep. I stayed up that night. I  watched her sleep in Harry's arms....I would do anything for that to be me....

Chapter 33:

Harry's Pov

"We're almost home babe" I leaned in to Vannie to wake her up. She yawned and sat up. She sniffled "You okay?" I asked "Yeah" she whispered. Niall sneezed. "You okay?" I turned around and asked "I don't know" he answered "I hope that food was worth it" I joked. Vannie sneezed. Louis was staring at her then turned toward Niall. Niall didnt meet his eyes "Your both sick!" He more of shouted than asked "I'm not sick!" Vannie told him. I let out a sigh. I wiped a hair out of her face "Are you I whispered. She nodded. I leaned in and kissed her. As I relieved her Louis gave Niall a smirk. "You guys are such a cute couple!" He gushed like a little kid. "Thanks..." I told him. He turned toward Niall "So.. How'd you get sick?" He asked with a snobby tone "umm... I got some food... Out of... The ummm... Vending machine" he was uncomfortable with the question. Louis turned around... Most of not been the answer he was looking for. I pulled Vannie in to my chest. She sniffled again. She was starting to get a cold. She closed her eyes as she cuddled again. "I love you" I whispered in her ear "I love you too!" She smiled back. A minute later she was asleep again.

Louis' Pov 

Niall was probably the reason why Vannie was starting to get sick. It wasn't her fault. I told them to stay away from each other. Vannie probably tried to, unlike Niall. He won't admit it. Niall missed his chance with her. It's his fault. She was Harry's. He needs to learn how to stay away. I watched as Harry kissed her forehead.... That must of killed Niall... He must of hated how they loved each other. I did feel bad for him... He had feelings for her.... But Harry loved her way more... 

Nialls Pov 

"Just ignore him" Zayn whispered to me. Liam was quiet. I faked a smile and nodded. I won't to tell what happened... I really did... But she would hate me.... She loved Harry... She loved him a lot. Zayn patted my leg and then turned toward Liam. I sat their alone. I stared out the window for the rest of the ride. I watched the trees faded to road side businesses...I watched it change to houses... To a city..... Then to London.... We were back. Harry gently woke Vannie up. She greeted him with a kiss. A pain in my chest rose. I looked down.  The car came to a stop in front of the building where me and Vannie lived. Harry carried her up stairs to her flat. I trailed behind them making a trail to mine. She lived so close to me but she felt so far away.... 

Harry's Pov

"Knock! Knock!" I yelled at the door with Vannie in my arms. A couple minutes later the door pushed open. Maiya stood there with a fake smile. "Thanks Hun!" I said as I pushed past her. Her blonde hair was braided to the side. I laid Vannie down. I kissed her "I'll be back later" I told her as I stood up and headed out the door "Thanks again" I gave Maiya a hug. Her perfume greeted my nose I turned around and blew my angle a kiss. She smiled and then I was off.

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