Chapter 49 50 and 51

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Chapter 49:

Vannie's Pov

I woke in Niall's arms the next morning. "Hello Beautiful." His blue eyes stared in to my soul. I smiled "Good Morning" He tilted my head up and gave me a kiss. His arms were wrapped around me. I drug my head in to his bare chest. "I love you..." I whispered in to it. "I love you more" he whispered to me. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Positive" you could here the smile in his voice. "What time is it?" I asked. "Six... In the morning" he told me. I let out a groan. He laughed. "You can go back to sleep" he told me. I shook my head "No. I want to spend time with you." I lifted my head and met his eyes. He smiled. "I mean that much to you?" He joked. "Oh, yes! You do!" I nodded. "Want to go down and get breakfast?" He asked. I nodded as he stood up. He threw on a shirt then we headed down stairs to the cafeteria. We walked hand in hand. I didn't care who saw us.

Niall's Pov

I walked with the girl I loved. I pushed back thoughts of how this might be the last time we would be together. I loved her more than you could imagine. I loved her with all my heart. Her hand fit perfectly in mine. The way she was smiling made me love her even more. "Hey... Wanna race?" I smiled. She smiled and nodded. "Okay. Are your mark. Get ready. Get Set. Go!" I yelled. Then we were off. We pushed and shoved each other, but in a friendly way. She was fast. We stayed level for most of the race. Then she stopped. "Wait!" She yelled at me. I turned around to see what she wanted. "Do you know where we are going?" She asked. "Yeah... The cafeteria." I answered her. "I know that, but where is it?" She asked. I shrugged. I ran up to somebody in the hall. "Where's the cafeteria?" I asked them. They turned around. The face turned in to full shock. "You're Niall Horan!" They yelled. I nodded. "So wher-" they cut me off. "Oh my gosh! I absolutely love One Direction! Where Harry and Louis and Zayn and Liam? Omg! Don't worry I didn't forget Liam... I didn't mean to put him last! Don't tell him!" I looked at Vannie who was watching this and was trying to hold back laughter. I smiled at her. The girl who was I asked the question to turned around to see what I was looking at. "Oh my gosh your Harry Styles's girlfriend!" My heart sank. "Omg! Your even prettier in person!" The girl turned toward me. "You better stay away from her! She's not yours! Okay... Harnie forever!" She said. I smiled "NiVannah forever." I told her as I walked over to Vannie and put my arms around her. The girls face changed. "Excuse me... I know for a fact that that is Harry's girl." I shrugged. Vannie was tense under my arms. "Are you trying to break up the band?" She asked. "No" I told her.

Harry's Pov

I got to her room and she was gone. Where could she be? I started my way around the hospital. I heard Niall's heavy voice arguing with somebody. I followed the sound till it led me to him. Vannie was in his arms. Some girl argued with him. I was getting angry.

Chapter 50:

Vannie's Pov

"Hey babe! You have some visitors" Harry smirked pulling me away from Niall. "Hey! We were getting breakfast!" Niall pulled me back. "We'll order it in the room!" Harry pulled me back. "You tell him Harry!" The girl snapped. Oh my gosh... "Who are you?" Harry asked. That gave Niall enough time to grab me and run. "We going back to the room!" He yelled. They were acting like they were at a hotel and not a hospital. Harry started to chase after us. When we got to the room Niall laid me down on the bed. Harry laid next to me and pulled me close. "I love you." He whispered. "Love you too" I smiled back. I eyed the guest. "Aren't you going to say hi?" Shanelle said. I stood silent. "Shhh... She's cuddling with Har-ray." Blake whispered to her. "Who are they?" Harry leaned in and asked. "My friends" I answered. "When did you get here?" I turned my attention to them and asked. "Earlier today" Blake said. "Why are you in the hospital?" Shanelle straight up asked. "Niall hurt her!" Harry blurted out. Niall have him a death stare. "What the f-ck happened! You haven't been in London a month and you managed to get hurt!" Shanelle said. Harry had a look on his face. I turned toward him "she's always like this... Don't worry..." I whispered to him. He nodded. "When do you want to leave?" Harry changed the subject. "Now!" I answered getting up. Everybody in the room followed.

"Why do you have Liam's car?" Harry asked Niall. He shrugged. Harry pushed me toward his leaving Niall getting in Liam's. "I'm not sitting in the back!" Shanelle said clearing making sure she didn't. "You can ride in Niall's." Harry smiled. "Umm... No!" Shanelle looked Harry right in the eye. I walked over to Niall's car.

Maiya's Pov

I was sitting alone when I heard a knock on the door. I opened in to an ambush of people. Harry. Blake. Shanelle. Savannah. Niall. "Hey we all going out to eat do you wanna come and keep Niall busy?" Harry asked. "No, she can keep you busy!" Niall yelled pulling Vannie close to him. "Haha... No!" Harry said. "I'm going to go change!" Vannie broke up feeling the tension. "I'll go with you!" Harry followed. Niall stood there a minute. "Wait! Don't go in to your room yet! Not now!" He pleaded but it was to late. Shanelle eyed me "Are you pregnant?" She asked. "What?!? No! My parents would kill me! Why?" I was shocked. She shrugged "You look fatter." "Well then... Thanks!" I said sarcastically.

Niall's Pov

No... Not yet... I didn't get to have the perfect ending... Not now... Why? I wanted one last day.... I wanted it to be perfect... No

Chapter 51:

Vannie's Pov

"Are you sure you don't need help changing?" Harry joke. "I'm sure" I smirked back at him. He stayed at the door way as I entered the room. There was a note on my bed. I waked over and picked it up. It was from Niall.

Dear Vannie,

It's not that I don't love you, which I do. It's that we can't be together. I hurt you.... You deserve better. I know I told you that before, but it's the truth. You belong with Harry. He can treat you right. It breaks my heart to tell you like this, but I could never say the words to your face. Youre beautiful. You're perfect. You are everything to me. You will never truly understand how much I love you. I always will. I hate to say this, but goodbye.

I'll always love you,

Niall Xx

Tears started to feel my eyes. This couldn't be right. I removed the picture that was with the letter. It was me and him. It was from when were at the hotel. It was me and him playing in the pool. I feel to my knees. This can't be happening. Tears were streaming from my eyes. Harry came rushing to my aid. "What is it?" He asked as he eyed the note. "I'm sorry." He whispered to me. I never realized how much I loved Niall. It was to late...

Niall's Pov

It was over now. I could hear her. She was crying. It took everything I had not to run to her side and tell her I didn't mean it. I did mean it though. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted her to be happy with me. I didn't want her to get hurt. I started to cry. Shanelle and Maiya stopped their argument when they noticed me. "Too much damn drama here." Shanelle said "Are you okay?" Maiya asked. I ignored her. Why couldn't I just of had this one day with her. Maiya tried to comfort me while Shanelle just sat there. "Is he your boyfriend, since Savannah stole Harry?" Shanelle asked. Why did she call her Savannah? Maiya shook her head no. "Well, I thought he would be since she was obsessed with him and you were obsessed with Harry" Shanelle continued to talk. Vannie was obsessed with me? I kinda wanted to smile at that. I was just to hurt to do that. "Are you sure you're okay?" Maiya asked. "Yes" I managed to get out. I really wanted to say no. I wanted to say how I really felt about Vannie. How I wanted her. How I needed her. "Is Louis here?" Blake asked. I forgot he was here. "No." Maiya said. "I'm gonna go see what's taking Vannie and Harry so long." Maiya kind of said their name with disgust. She was going to find out. She was going to know what happened...

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