Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Nialls Pov

I raced up the flight of stairs, there was no time to wait for the elevator. Harry's car wasn't here... Yet. I reached the familiar door and pounded on it. Maiya opened the door "Hey, I thought you were Hazza" I didn't answer her I looked over her shoulder and in to the house. There she was. I pushed past Maiya and grabbed Vannie and pushed her against the wall. I pushed my lips on to hers. I aggressively kissed her. I saw Maiya watching from the corner of my eyes. I pushed Vannie in to her bedroom. I turned and locked the door. "Harry is gon-" I cut her off by pushing her against the wall and putting my lips against hers. I forced her to do want I wanted. I practically ripped the dress off her. Her body was tense beneath mine. It didn't stop me. I needed to convince her she belonged with me not Harry. I held her firm against the wall not letting her escape. I would get what I wanted...

Maiya's Pov

I heard a loud noise from Vannie's room.... I was not going to go see what it was... What the hell was Niall doing? Harry was going to be here any minute. It was not a time for his rape-booty calls... I sat down. I turned on the tv. It wasn't like I needed to... I couldn't hear over the loud bangs like somebody was pounding the wall. I flipped through channels preoccupied by the "noises". I surprising heard a knock on the door. I pushed myself out of the chair and went to the door. I pushed it open "Hayyy!" Harry said as the door opened. "Hi" "Is my last hurr?" "Yeah" "Can I talk to her?" "She a little busy.." "I can wait!" He said as he pushed through me and plopped on the couch. That was a little rude. I sat down next to him "I don't want a drink!" He told me as I sat... Really making jokes about that... He sat there then muted the tv. "What's that sound?" He asked... Your girlfriend and Niall. I wanted to say that "I don't know" I answered. "It sounds likes it coming from Vannie's room." "We'll it's not... She taking a shower." I lied "Ya sure" I nodded. He continued to flip through the channels making faces at the noises. His eyes got wide. "What the hell is that?" He asked. He turned toward me. Then took off. "If you go in there I'll tell her about yesterday!" I yelled at him. "She's in there with someone.... It's Niall isn't it!" He turned toward me. I gave him a confused look. Tears started to build up in his eyes... "He's not getting her..." He trailed off "She's mine! I don't care how much he tries to rape her or whatever!" He was getting angry... "You love her?" I asked a little to snotty. "Of course!" He snapped "I do now and always will!" I bit my lip. Another loud bang echoed through the hall. That got him he grabbed the door and yanked it open.

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