Chapter 54 and 55

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Chapter 54:

Zayn's Pov

I could feel Shanelle's eyes undressing me. I could never imagine being this uncomfortable. I've tried to explain to her I had a girlfriend a thousand times by now. "It wouldn't be rape by the way" she said. I have her a questioned look. "It's surprise sex. Intentionally." She answered my look. "I'm still gonna pass on it." I told her. She continued undressing me in her mind. I could feel it.

Niall's Pov

Zayn was almost as uncomfortable as me. I just ended everything I had with the only person I could see as my princesse. My bride. My future. My everything. I've hurt her enough already. It took everything I had in me not to run to her side and try to make it up to her. Would she take me back? Chose me over Harry? Probably not... If she's smart. Harry loved her. She loved Harry. You could tell by the way they smiled at each other. It hurt. I wasn't getting in the way of them... Not anymore. I was just going to let them be. I didn't deserve somebody like her. She deserved a guy who could treat her right. Not me. It made it worse to think about it, but honestly I couldn't help it. I looked up for another glimpse of her.

Maiya's Pov

I didn't want to be here. I didn't know why I even came here. I had nothing to do with these people anymore... except for Shanelle and Blake. They weren't paying mr any attention though. They were to busy harassing Louis and Zayn. Vannie went form sad and depressed to happy and in love. It hurt. We always promised each other that when we met One Direction I got Harry and she got Niall. It was a stupid promise, but it meant something to us back then. It was our conversations at lunch, we when we were 'working' in groups, and well anytime we were together. We talked about other things to.

Vannie's Pov

"Get the spoon away from me!" Liam gasped at Harry. Was he really scared if spoons? I alway wondered that. I still think it's a joke. "No." Harry said in a heroic voice. I laughed. Liam shot me a look. "Hey, I have fork in my hand." I said showing him the piece of silverware. He nodded in acceptance. "Is that a banana?" Harry said. I looked at Maiya hoping to see a hint of a smile. She didn't even look at me. We would probably be laughing right now if it was still the same as a month ago. Harry held the banana in his hand. "My banana is way bigger." Harry said, hinting on another topic. I fell over laughing.

Louis's Pov

Why me? Why couldn't I have sit next to anybody else. I was beyond uncomfortable. Blake rubbed a hand on my thigh. "Please stop!" I begged. "No, I know you like it." Blake smirked. "I have a girlfriend!" I pleaded again. "So, do I." He answered with a smirk. He came closer and whispered something disturbing in my ear. This dinner just started and I was already wishing it was over.

Chapter 55:

Harry's Pov

"Who wants dessert." I asked with a smile. "No!" The whole table said, except for Vannie, who said "I Want cheese cake!" "Well, I'm leaving!" Shanelle said getting up. "Why?!?!" Blake cried. "Cause some people don't want to have surprise sex!" She yelled hinting at Zayn. "I have a girlfriend!" He told her. "So do I!" Louis pushed Blake off of him. "That doesn't stop me" Blake smirked. "Hey! Wait! Shanelle, surprise sex is my word!" Maiya stood up. "Hey! No it's mine!" Vannie joined in. "It wasn't in how you wanted to die, now was it?" Maiya turned toward her. "You don't know that! I just might of bit wanted to die in a fire" Vannie smirked. "It's fun to say, fun to eat! Bananas are a nutritious treat!" Shanelle randomly said. Vannie in my Maiya feel to the ground laughing.

Vannie's Pov

Maiya and I were enjoy ourselves laughing to our old inside jokes and for a moment we were back to our school days. It felt good. It brung up some memories that should have not ever been forgotten.

Maiya's Pov

For a second it was like we were friends again. For a second we were the young teenagers we were way back then. The inside jokes and everything was back. We even had Blake and Shanelle. I felt like I was about to head off to band. I felt like I was back in school. I wanted to hug Vannie and to tell everything would be okay... But it wasn't.

Harry's Pov

The girls and Blake all laughed and giggled on the way out. I felt kind of left out. Louis was glad to finally get rid of Blake. They went on about everything. They told about teacher. One, Mrs.Hall, seemed kind of strange. A little prevented to. I mean like 'four somes' 'Green Condoms' what kind of teacher said that. They told stories about old friends. I felt odd.

Vannie's Pov

By the time we started down the road we had settled down. No more laugh. No more giggles. No more inside jokes. No more old memories. We were quiet. Harry focused on the road and the rest of us on our thoughts. Were had all the times gone? Were had the old us go?

Niall's Pov

Liam drove us. It was his car after all. Louis kept telling us how he was practically 'harassed' by Blake. He told us some really disturbing stuff he said. I was quiet. I wanted her still. I wanted to her to be with me. That would never happen again. I lost her for ever. I wanted to cry.

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