52 and 53

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Chapter 52:

Harry's Pov

I walked out of Vannie's room and bumped in to Maiya. "Hey... I'm ummm sorry" I apologized. "Well you should be! Maybe next time watch we your going!" She snarled. What happened to her? "Go get Vannie! I honestly don't want to even be near her! We're all starving to." She hissed again. I nodded then walked back to Vannie's aid. "Hey babe, you ready?" She nodded wiping away tears. I pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry, love" I whispered to her. We walked slowly. She stayed behind me. When we got to the living room I turned toward Niall. "Hey, bro can you pick up Zayn ,Louis,and Liam and then we can meet you?" I asked trying to avoid an awkward car ride. I wasn't originally planning to take them. He nodded. "Did you just say Louis? Omg! I'm riding with Niall!" Blake leaped up and ran next to Niall almost knocking him down. Niall had a confused look on his face. "Do you want to take him?" I asked Niall. "Yeah...sure" he barely got the words out. We walked out. Niall and Blake in the front and me comforting Vannie in the back. We reached my car. "I want to sit in the front!" Shanelle cried. "Well you're sitting in the back, if you want to go." I told her. "Well I don't!" She started to walk in. "Just get in the car!" Maiya sounded frustrated as she pushed Shanelle in the car. I helped Vannie in the car and giving her a kiss when she was in. Maiya rolled her eyes. "You need to clean your car." Shanelle stated when I get in the drivers seat. "I'm sorry." I didn't sound sensor. "What the f-ck is this?" She asked, I didn't turn around to see what she was holding up. This was going to be a fun car ride... Not

Niall's Pov

"Oh my gosh! Louis is going to sit beside me! Okay? Yeah I thought so!" Blake squealed not giving me time to respond. "You know he has a girlfriend?" I asked barely able to speak. "Yeah... So do I" Blake responded. I tried to focus on a conversation with him, but my mind kept focusing on her.... On Vannie. There was no doubt that I loved her. I loved her a lot. "Watch the road!" Blake screamed. I swerved back in the right side. "Are you trying to kill us? Can you wait till I have Louis?" He asked.

Maiya's Pov

The car ride was quiet. Vannie stayed depressed in her little corner. She's changed. She wasn't the same person as she was a month ago. She wasn't the person I called my best friend. She wasn't even a friend anymore. It hurt to say that but it was the truth. Shanelle sit back with me constantly criticizing Harry. She liked to do that to everyone. It was pretty humoring. She was getting on Harry's nerves. I was kind of mad at her from earlier. How did I look pregnant? I stared down at my stomach. It was the same as a month ago.

Chapter 53:

Vannie's Pov

I don't remember much of the car ride. I fell asleep somewhere right before we turned off. I got woke back up when Harry was gently trying to carry me out. "Sorry babe" he whispered as my eyes fluttered open. "It's okay." I kissed his cheek. He continued to carry me until we went inside and got seated. It took a minute till Zayn, Liam, Louis, Blake and.... Niall got there... It hurt to even think of the name. I was squeezed between Harry and Maiya. Louis sat in front of me with Blake and Zayn beside him. Liam was beside Harry. Niall was next to Zayn. He wasn't close to me but I could still see him. Louis looked uncomfortable. Blake was probably harassing him... I should of warned him. Shanelle was seated in front of Niall. She looked bored. Maiya looked annoyed. Niall constantly looked at me, but quickly turned his head every time I returned his gaze. Harry whispered comforting things to me. Zayn whispered to Niall. Liam sat all his happy-puppy go self. Harry hand covered mine. He played with the ring on my finger. "I promise..." He whispered under his breathe. Memories of that night came back. My fairytale with Harry... Niall... Niall and me.... It was foggy.... Harry "I promise to keep you happy.... No matter what." Harry whispered again. "I promise you I'll be with you forever..." I whispered. I saw a familiar smirk come across his face. He raised my hand to his lips. He placed a small peck on it. "My lady" he winked at me. "My sir" I nodded

Niall's Pov

I couldn't help but watch her. She couldn't leave my mind. My heart yearned for her. No... I can't go back now. I ended it. She deserved to be with Harry. He was better for her. He could treat her better. He knows how to love her right. Her eyes met mine time to time. I turned away. It only made it worse. That had tears that fought to come out building up. I hurt her again. I could tell... Harry made her smile. He cheered her up. Right then and there. "Why the hell do you look like you're about to cry?" Shanelle interrupted my thoughts. "Hey, it's kinda tough for him." Zayn told her. "Would it be okay if I raped you?" She asked him.... What? "Umm... I'm good... I have a girlfriend..." He answered kind if dazed.

Louis's Pov

Oh my gosh... What the hell is this guy thinking? Blake gaze me another seductive look. "I know you want me" he mouthed. He was already way to close to me. There was no room to move without touching him. I looked at him and he licked his lip. What kind of friends does Vannie have? I grabbed Blake hand. "Whoa! Off limits!" I stampeded as I stopped his hand right before it was at my ass.

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