Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Vannie's Pov

My second month I England went by pretty fast. I spend most of the time with Harry. We always did something together. My only free time was when he had to work. Blake and Shanelle decided to stay with us for another month. I tried my best to spend time with them. Maiya ignored me as much as she could.... Why? Harry tried to help me get over Niall.... But I couldn't. I still think about him constantly. Harry can distract me from him. I know it hurts him. He's giving me everything.... and I'm still trying to forget about Niall.... I love Harry.... Alot. Every time I see in the hall or somewhere though, it all comes back to me. He never says a word to me anymore. He only looks at me. There's something alway in his stare. It hurts to see it. Every time I try to talk to me, he gives it to me. He's quiet. He ignores me. Like I don't exist. Like he nothing ever happened. Like he never loved me. That's what hurts. I just want to hear his voice again. I want to hear him say something to me... anything. I try not to cry, but it's hard.

Niall's Pov

The month dragged by. The only good part was seeing her..... but it hurt. I never spoke to her. I would cry. I would beg to have her back. I still loved her. I wanted her. I never had her. I gave up the chance to. If I could I would take back these to months. Go back to that concert. I would notice her before Harry. She'd be mine, not his. I wouldn't be this hurt. I wouldn't have shed so many tears. I would be okay again. I would be happy. I would with the girl I loved. I wouldn't be heart broken.... Harry wouldn't have ever fallen in love with her. She wouldn't have fallen in love with Harry... She would be in live with me.... Only me.

Harry's Pov

She was still hurt, but time will heal her wounds. She'll be okay again, so would be Niall again. He'll meet somebody new. He'll get over her and move on. She'll get over him, then I'll be the only one in her heart. The month went by fast. I was either with the boys or her. We did things on the days I was off, other days I waited till I was off then spend the rest of the day with her. More tension grew around mr and Maiya.... She hated me. Shanelle continued to complain about everything I did.. I mean I would breath and she'd be like, "The f-ck you think your doing? Don't use that attitude with me!" Blake asked Louis constantly.... He begged to see him again and again. Vannie was everything to me. Nobody could love somebody as much as I loved her. She was my world. The way she smiled. The way she laughed. It was perfect. She was perfect. I hate to think how we only have a month left together till she leaves.... One month left. It would work out though. I can visit her... She can visit me. Everything would be okay. I knew that for a fact. We promised each other.... Forever. Looking at my ring and knowing that keeps me positive.... Doubtless. I know nothing could happen to screw that up. The way her face lit up when she saw me. The way her eyes sparkled when she said, "I Love You." It kept me strong. I know nothing could break us apart nothing... But I'll still never tell what happened that night... What happened a month ago. What happened between me and Maiya.

Maiya's Pov

This month was probably the best one out of the two we spent in London. I actually had people to hand out with. I wasn't ignored. I wasn't left alone at home by myself. I hung out with Blake and Shanelle. We went to the tourist attractions. We did everything Vannie and me originally planned to do together, but we never did. It was only because of Harry. If she never met him, we'd still be friends. The month was actually pretty good, until what Shanelle convinced me to do. She was always right about it. She kept telling me I looked pregnant and I was. When convinced me to take the test, I was sure it was going to be negative, but it was positive. "Who's the dad?" She asked after I showed her the results. "You wouldn't believe me if I tell you." I whispered to her to hide the tears... My parents were going to kill me. "Who is it?" She asked again. "Harry" I could feel the tears spilling out over my cheeks. "Savannah's Harry?" She asked. I nodded. "Wow! You actually got pregnant with Harry Styles baby!" She said hinting at how I was when we were in school. "I'm serious." I cried. "I'm sorry." She said. "What am I suppose to do?" I asked her.

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