Chapter 3. Why me?

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We were just walking in the corridor while going to class when Lev clashed with a girl. Their books fell down and rather than picking them up they just started arguing.

"Can't you ever pay attention to where u are heading" the girl said giving Lev a look.
"Atleast I am not like you, always angry and being a nerd rather than enjoying" Lev shot back
I mean I wil have to agree that Lev never gets angry but the way he was talking to her, Man he needed to calm down. I tried stoping them but it was impossible. The bell rang and we could see that the corridors were empty as our classes already started that's when they stopped.

"Sorry that's just my family friend, aka my enemy Emma. We just never get along" Lev explained
"Nah it's fine your enemy actually doesn't seem that bad after all in the movies the enemy's turn out to be good and more than friend, is that why you called her your enemy?" I said in a joke
"You are impossible Ethan seriously me and her?"
"Ya what's wrong you guys look so cute, you should give her a chance"

He just ignored me and entered the class. I was lucky that our teacher was absent today because I was not in a mood of detention.

We were just talking when Julia just walked upto us.
"Girl you scared me and what are you doing in this class anyway don't you have English?"I questioned
"Yes , but listen Syd told me to tell you that she wants to talk to you after school, just be outside the football court"

I was happy that she finally wanted to talk but I still don't believe that Julia came form her class just to tell me this.

It was after the last class, as Julia informed me I was standing outside our football court but even after 30 minutes Sydney didn't show up. I was tried of this like she just ditched me and then texted me sorry can we meet later.

I was at the house and Lev was blabbering things while I was lost in my thoughts.
"Dude are you even listening to me?" He asked.
"Sorry, it's just that " I was thinking of an excuse whaen he cut me off
"Let me guess Syd didn't show up?" He said
"H how did you know"
"It's fine dude she probably had a good explanation"

I wanted to stop thinking about it but my stupid brain just didn't stop.

"If you still wanna talk to her I can take you to the tree house" he continued because he understood what I was thinking
"Ya, Sydney and Nate always hangout there if you can't find them just go there" he replied

I just got a flashback of how people used to be like if you can't find Ethan just go over to to the roof he will be there with Sydney. But not things have changed and I really wanna forget that Sydney and I had even met because it hurts to get ignored everytime.

I just refused Lev's offer and suggested to play some new video game. We had pretty good time which was good for me to forget about what was happening.

I again got a text form Sydney and I have to attend a party which is for Nate just great.

*Spoiler alert from the next chapter*


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