Bonus chapter 2. Nate and Riley

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Nate's p.o.v:

When I was walking Riley home after the movie night she told taht she was not having a great time at our school.
"Why, what happened?" I questioned
"Bulling, it happened in last school and I thought it would stop but I guess I am an easy target"
"Don't you worry Riley I will see what they do to you tomorrow"
"Ya its my duty to make sure my friends are safe isn't it"

A smile spread in her face and it was good to know that she trusted me. I feel like I am starting to like her. You may call me a player but she is so kind and nice to not fall for her.

Next day in school:

When I was in the locker room some girls came near Riley's locker. They surrounded her and I shut my locker and approached them. I had a bad feeling about this.

I reached there and they saw taht they were threatening her about something. As soon as I went there all of them made way , I motioned them to go and they disappeared.

"Thanks Nate"
"What ere they threatening you about?"
"Nothing special"
"What was it?"
"They were threatening me about hanging out with you"
"Do you think I am joking"
"No, it's just that why did they go so low"
"I don't know but leave it"
"Okay as you say"

We both were walking to our class and we had the same class.
"You know I am used to getting bullied"
"No-one has done anything good for me, my parents also keep shouting at me for small small reasons and I have no friends"
"You do now"

From our very small conversation what really remained in mind was that no one has ever done anything special for her. I had to do something.

Few weeks went by and no-one has bullied her in the past days which is good. But homecoming is coming soon and I  have made my mind that I am going to ask her out by doing something special.

The thing which stood out to me was that I should march in with a band and that's what I did.

Riley's p.o.v:

I felt so special when Nate came in the cafeteria with a band. Everyone was looking to see who he was going to ask and it was me, I got to know because there was a huge banner saying 'will you go to homecoming with me Riley '.

I said yes to him and after a few days I told him how much he means to me. Surprisingly he likes me back.

I was a person without a friend and now I have the best boyfriend in the world, what could I say for more.

After the homecoming dance when he was dropping me home I was gonna get out of the car but he grabbed my hand.
"Today was the best night I have ever had and it wouldn't be possible without you Riley" he said

I blushed and we started into each other's eyes he leaned forward but I went back.
"Please one good night kiss"
"You know I can't resist those puppy eyes"

We kissed and it was the most magical day of my life. I am so happy with my life it truly feels like a fairy tale.

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