chapter 7. Heart broken

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Nate's p.o.v:

I drove to Ethan's place and rang the bell. Unfortunately Ethan opened the door."is Syd here?" I questioned.
"Yes" he replied and then shouted" Syd Nate's here "

He went away from the door and Sydney came outside the door and closed it behind her. "What happened?" She asked
"What are you doing here with him?" I said
"Why can't I hangout with him?"
"No! I mean yes but " she cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
" You know what Nate I am tried of you being suspicious and pulling me everytime we even see Ethan"
"But.." she cut me again
"No seriously think, if you bestfriend would be a girl and I would be doing this to you how would you feel?"
"Hmmm... Bad"
"Right that's how I have been feeling, you know I used to love your company and I used to feel comfortable with you but recently I don't think I feel the same"
"Syd calm down"
"Me? I should calm down ya mean after all it's all my fault so ya why am I shouting at you?"
"Let me.."
"I used to really like you Nate bit I think I need a break from this and I really think that we would be better off as friends"
"Can you give me chance to explain please?"

She heard me but ignored it completely and went inside the house slamming the door behind her. I don't know what has gotten into her but whatever she said it really hurt me.

I got inside my car trying to put myself together. I was not a softie but that incident was about to make me cry. I drove to the beach where me and Sydney would come to watch the sunset usually but today I was all alone.

I sat in front of the beautiful scenery with my head buried in my hands. I was trying not to think about it but it was the only thing that came in my mind.

I heard a girl's sound behind me and my mood suddenly changed I wiped my years and turned saying "Syd?". But it was not Syd it was some other girl. She questioned me "are you ok?"
"Hmm.. kinda" I replied and then realised that I had seen her before" I have seen you somewhere"
"Yes, we just met today I am Riley now do you remember me "
"Oh ya , I am so sorry that I shoved you off I was kinda in a hurry that time"
"No big deal I understand"

Riley's p.o.v:

I needed to console him he looked awful I have no clue what happened but his face was looking like his girlfriend dumped him or something.

I went and sat beside him and we had a small talk. I told him that if there is something in his mind which is bothering him he can tell me I won't  mind it and even you will feel better.

He told me what happened and it was actually really sad. I will sorry for him but I really think that he should give her a break.

"You should give her a break and even sort out your feelings"
"Ya you are write I should let her take her time mad even show her that I am finally chill with Ethan"
"Ya she will be happy to see that"
"You are the best Riley, okay listen I have an idea , I can have a movie night and show her that I am chill with Ethan and a surprise drop for Julia I am even gonna invite Asher , yeah that will be fun "
"Great idea!"
"Even you are invited I will text you the timings k"
"Ok , thanks for inviting me!"
" Your welcome, anyways I have to go and I have a party to plan "

He took off  leaving me with my thoughts. He feels like a good guy and I really wanna be friends with him.

I am sorry to crush your ship if you shipped Nate and Sydney but I am sure you will be satisfied after reading the end of the story which is coming soon in 4-5 chapters.

Also follow my friend @_lucifer23_ she has two great stories uploaded and a few more coming up.

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