Chapter 11. the homecoming

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Ethan's p.o.v:

Few weeks passed by and me and syd have been hanging out a lot but not dating because we are too young for that.

I went to school today and saw homecoming news everywhere. Everyone was talking about it and to be honest I was hyped to.
I am definitely gonna ask Syd out for the dance and I hope the other ships end up together as well.

I went into the cafeteria and the sight was kinda weird.

Sydney's p.o.v:

I was sitting with Julia, Riley, and Emma. We are were hyped about homecoming and were discussing about who we were gonna go with.
"I think I will go with Ethan" I said
"Expected" everyone said in unison
"I think Nate might ask me out" Riley said
"Ok when did that happen?" Julia said
"Don't get us wrong we are very happy for you" I said
"Thanks" Riley said
"Well I feel like I will go with Asher"Julia said
"No way I didn't know you guys were together!" Emma said
"Well .." Julia said " I hope he asks me" she continued
"We also" we all said
"My chance, I feel like Lev will ask me out" Emma said
"Well now that was the most unexpected one" I said
"I know we have been getting along quite well honestly" Emma clarified.

We all were talking when a band entered the cafeteria and Nate was leading it . He approached Riley and asked her out ofcourse she said yes. (What happened to them will be elaborated in the bonus chapter)

Ethan also approached me and asked me out. I said yes and we both were very happy. We went for a walk and discussed about how much fun we were gonna have.

Emma and Julia were also going with whom the wanted to go. We all were very happy( more will be there in bonus chapter)

Ethan's p.o.v:

It was the homecoming day and I went to pick up my beautiful date for the night. She was looking very pretty as always. We both entered the hall and it was looking so good.

We were dancing and having a really wonderful time.
"Ethan, I told you that I like you back on that day but I think I don't feel the same way anymore" she said
"What are you talking about are you serious?" I questioned in a very scared tone.
"Cheer up dude it's just that from liking you I think I have progressed a step forward"

I was so happy to hear that and we both started staring at each other. It was the perfect moment and cherry on the top we kissed.

It was the best night and I will never forget it.

"So that's how you ended up together"  Katie said
"Yes honey but don't you have to go to school tomorrow, now comeon you have to go to bed!" Syd said
"Bye mom and dad, good night" Katie said as she left our room

We both glanced at each other and smiled. We were happy with the things turned out and we couldn't have asked for anything more.

~ The End ~

*Bonus chapters coming soon

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