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"Jiminie, I'm going out shopping! I'll be back in a little while!" Yoongi called out to Jimin, blowing him a cute little kiss before shutting the door behind himself and sighing, heading down the front garden and to his car.  

He was not actually going shopping, but to Jungkook's house as he'd texted him saying he needed to talk to him about something but he couldn't specify what over the phone. This made Yoongi more than anxious for what was to come.

"Me and Jimin have been, um- sleeping with eachother for almost a year now" confessed Jungkook, feeling more than guilty but also proud of himself for speaking up about what was happening. After seeing how close Yoongi was with Jimin, he didn't want to continue as he just felt way too guilty. It was the best thing to do at the end of the day.

Believing that Jungkook was pranking him, he chuckled slightly and licked his slightly chapped lips, "stop joking around. What were you here to tell me?" he questioned, still happy and joyful about the situation.

"I'm not joking around, Yoongi," told Jungkook firmly, "me and Jimin have been sleeping with eachother for almost a year" he repeated himself, a clear look of guilt, regret and sympathy in his eyes. The broken and guilty expression on his face said clearly that it wasn't a joke.

It was if time had stopped. Yoongi couldnt think. Yoongi coudlnt move. Yoongi couldn't speak. All he could do was acknowledge the tears trickling down his cheeks, his body shaking and his lower lip quivering. You could see the way Yoongi's heart started breaking and fallen apart.

Jungkook brought Yoongi into his embrace, Yoongi welcoming it by wrapping his arms loosely around Jungkook's waist. "I know, it's hard. I'm so terribly sorry, Yoongi. I'm such a dick for letting this all happen" he sighed, his voice a mere whisper. He could feel the way Yoongi's body weakly shook as he cried, as his heart beat with anger and upset. It's what happened to him when he was overwhelmed with emotions, in this case a mix of upset, anger, betrayal.

He truly thought Jimin was the one.


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