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And so then Hoseok was taken into the care of Jimin and was set to live at his apartment for a couple of weeks. It was evident that Taehyung was jealous of this but the male tried his utmost to hide it; it would be stupid to get upset over it. It had almost been a full two weeks since the incident and it was clear that Hoseok was traumatized by the incident and rightfully so. But the male also wanted more company and so that's when...

Knock, knock, knock. Taehyung had finally arrived after packing his things to stay for the next few days. As Hoseok sat on the sofa, Jimin went to open the door. When he saw the male for the first time in over a week, he couldn't help but be extremely happy. Taehyung placed his bags down on the floor and opened his arms up for Jimin to hug him. Jimin did, and it was the best hug of them all. "I missed you.." mumbled Jimin sheepishly, confessing it shyly. "Did you miss me?" he then asked quietly.

Taehyung pulled away from the hug ever so slightly but kept them both close, just so he could look down at Jimin's little face. "So much, Jiminie" answered Taehyung with a small smile. Jimin's cheeks filled with colour as he bent down and picked up one of Taehyung's bags to help him carry them inside. It was cold outside the apartment and he was only in a pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie.

Jimin shot Hoseok a little smile before carrying Taehyung's bags through to his bedroom at the end of the corridor; Hoseok was in the guest room. "This is my bedroom" blushed Jimin as he placed the suitcase on the right side of the bed, "you'll be on the right side and me on the left side" he added with a shy little smile.

"Is cuddling permitted?" winked Taehyung, once he had walked around to his side of the bed. Jimin's cheeks heated up, just like the way Taehyung was aiming for. Sheepishly, Jimin nodded his head to the question, although he was sure that Taehyung already knew the answer to it. Jimin could never turn down a cuddle, especially from Taehyung.

It was now almost 10 pm and Jimin had just finished helping Hoseok into bed and was now back in with Taehyung. He tiredly flopped on the bed in a pair of shorts; he always overheated so he wore as little as he possibly could. He had noticed Taehyung looking him up and down with eyes just full of awe, but Jimin pretended not to have noticed it at all.

"Hey, Jim?" called Taehyung in a whispering voice, making Jimin turn on his side to look at him. "I told you why I was in the support group.. But you never have. It's perfectly fine if you don't want to, I just feel like it's something I should know" he explained briefly. Jimin became full to the brim with panic and upset as he thought back to what had happened. He dispised speaking of the matter but he knew that Taehyung should know. He knows himself he should know. No secrets kept.

"U-um.. It's uh- not what you would expect and it might make you hate me.." he mumbled worriedly, his voice slightly quivering. Taehyung noticed this and brought his hand down to Jimin's, resting it there. Jimin wrapped his smaller hand around Taehyung's index finger; this was something they did whenever either of them needed comfort. Jimin would hold his index finger. "If you don't want to talk about it, it's completely fine-" "No, I want to. And I will. It's just difficult.. Okay so, I was in a relationship with someone called Yoongi and Yoongi wasn't the best in bed.. I'm a switch and he was a bottom so I always had to be on top so I had a purely sexual relationship with someone else called Jungkook. Jungkook told Yoongi, Yoongi confronted him, I was drunk out of my mind.. So I ended up u-um, hitting him and screaming at him.. Pushing him around an-and it was just horrible. The look on his face, Taebear.. It's stuck in my mind and it's the worst thing in the world. Pure, and utter terror" he explained, sobbing now as he couldn't even look at Taehyung. He felt so ashamed of himself and his past. "I'll never forgive myself for it... It was such a disgusting thing for me to do"

Taehyung's face held an expression of sympathy for the boy. He didn't at all agree with what Jimin had done but he couldn't hate the boy for it. "Oh, Jim... That is horrible. I don't agree with what you did but you didn't mean it. If you felt no remorse now, then I would be angry.. But you are. You're crying your goddamn eyes out" he replied softly, shuffling closer under the blanket and pulling Jimin into him, cradling and rocking the boy in hopes of calming him down.

The day ended with the both of them  being brought even closer than before, both physically and mentally; they shared secrets and they were cuddled up into each other. They were sharing a nice group cuddle.

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