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Breakfast time slowly turned into lunch time which soon turned into evening time and there Jimin was again, in the same bathroom as always. He had promised himself to not cut again but it was still so, so hard to keep the promise; everything had been so overwhelming ever since his date with Taehyung two weeks ago, and he was so incredibly scared of messing up or saying something wrong. This was his form of self training. He would hurt himself till he learns how to act and how to be.

Jimin had always kept his blade in the shower, behind his shampoo bottles which now had been moved so he could look at the blade. The blade of it was clean as could be, no blood stains or anything as he had taken the time to clean them all off. The reflective metal of it was rather thin but rather lengthy.. About an inch or two. It wasn't a small blade at all, and it certainly was not harmless. And so then he picked it up. He had said he wouldnt do it again but he just had to. He had to.

Jimin watched the water droplets trickle over his skin, his pretty tan skin and down into the harsh metal blade Jimin's left hand held. He had it presses against his left arm however, wasn't moving it at all yet and just sonning as he stared down at the thing. It shone in the light, looking painfully pretty to Jimin.

"One last time... one more time and then no more" Jimin would repeat to himself in his mind. He wouldn't do it anymore after this at all. And so he moved it against his skin, pressing into it just ever so carefully to create the lightest cut a couple millimeters deep. It was enough to sting but not to do any serious damage. It was just right.

It's the evening again, two weeks later, which means it's shower time again. He gets in the shower and stares at the blade which was on the shelf next to his shampoo. He didn't want to do it again but he needed to. Just one more time and then he'd stop. Many small cuts were made on the inside of his forearm where they course as they could be covered and treated. Whining slightly, he let the water trickle over his wound...

The water which now ran red.


Brain is very mushy. I apologize for mistakessjjsjwkw

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