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Jimin was hibernating; he hadn't left his apartment for days on end. So many that he'd lost count at that point. He saw no reason, no purpose to leave the house. He simply had no motivation to do anything even if it was something as small as feeding himself. He'd only occasionally eat when he felt he couldn't last much longer, and of course brush his teeth too. Jimin hated having bad breath, and hated the thought of his teeth falling out.

His body was skinny, bony, with the skin stretched over his skeleton. He didn't look like Jimin at all; he looked as though someone was eating away at the old Jimin who now was slowly fainting away into nothingness.

As much as Jimin was a mess, so was his apartment. With no roommates, he had no one to clean up after himself - plates, tissues, clothes. They were everywhere, mostly the floor. The only place he made the small effort to keep clean was his bedroom as he didn't want to look at such mess everyday when he was crying and sulking.. But even then, there was still numerous clothing items scattered around on the floor.

His apartment reminds him of Yoongi; the smell, the sight, the now cold and empty place he used to lay, the bed where he first made love to him, the bookshelf that Yoongi liked to organize when it was messy. Just all of it; it all had Yoongi name written on it.

The fact that he still saw Yoongi everyday either passing by his house, or at school, only helped to make things worse. The fact that he walked to school with his new friend was the salt upon the open wound.

And never once did Yoongi so much as to glance at his house.

"Fine, you can come over, hobi" typed out Jimin reluctantly. He really didn't want anyone to see him and his apartment in such a state. It was embarrassing; humiliating, but surely since he'd known Hoseok so long and they were so close, he wouldn't make any comment on it or even try to help him out some.

After hearing the door open, he remembered he'd given Hoseok the spare keys to his apartment and sat up, slowly walking to the living room. His legs were like noodles; wobbly and unstable. He looked like a weak, new born horse trying to walk.

"H-hi.." mumbled Jimin as he stood in the door frame, weakly leaning against it. Hoseok's eyes noticeably widened at the state of his beat friend. Tears built in the corners of them, before a hand covered his mouth.

"Jim  Jim.. Oh- my god, Jimin!" he cried just from looking at him. Tears traveled to Jimin's eyes too, and quickly they rolled down his cheeks.

Hoseok ever so gently hugged Jimin, part of him scared to as Jimin looked like he could snap at any moment. "God, I'm so glad I'm here. Look at you, you're- ugh, you don't even look like Jimin anymore. The only thing that looks like you are your lips and even then they're so dry looking.." he said, voice cracking and heart broken.

Jimin hadn't expected such a strong reaction out of Hoseok. He was so concerned, so worried that he cried, sobbed. He was distraught; actually, that's an understatement.

"I'm fine, hobi, I a-"

"No! You look like a twig, Jimin!" he sobbed, looking down to Jimin's bony body. "I'm cooking you a feast right now and you're gonna eat as much of it as you can. I think you'll find I'll be staying here for a while until you're back to your usual self"

Jimin only accepted the help he could get. He couldn't live like this. He couldnt live on the edge of death.

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