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Jimin and Taehyung were almost as close as Jimin was with Hoseok. Their relationship had blossomed and grown well and now they were at a stage where they pretty much relied in each other as comfort and safety. Jimin did of course make sure to stay in touch with Hoseok; Hoseok was like his outlet where he could just talk and talk to him about anything. He could even talk to him about his feelings for Taehyung which was something he couldn't do with Taehyung.

"Okay! That's the plan, I'll meet you all at mine in an hour" Jimin typed out into the group chat with himself, Hoseok and Taehyung in it. The two responded with simple replies like "okay" or "see you". Now it was time to get changed for their little day out together at a theme park. Jimin was was excited as he could be for the day out since he would get to spend the entire day with his two favorite people in the entire world.

"Oh gosh, that ride was quite something. I think I might be sick after that" Hoseok exclaimed, as he clutched his stomach and hunched over slightly. They had just been on the biggest rollercoaster so far and Hoseok wasn't handling it too well. Jimin pouted at his best friend and patted his back slightly. "Oh, hobi.. You will be okay. We should get you some water, and some lunch, eh?" he suggested softly, as Taehyung walked beside him. They walked as a three with Jimin in the middle, Hoseok on Jimin's left and Taehyung on his right.

"Okay, Jiminie" he sighed slightly as they began walking towards the little food stalls they had there. After looking around for a bit, they settled on getting a classic Korean BBQ. After ordering, the three of them went to find a table. "Hobi, you sit here and relax and reserve the table and me and Taehyung will go and wait for the food together" smiles Jimin, before ruffling the boys hair and skipping off with Taehyung.

Jimin and Taehyung skipped along to the waiting cue beside the food van, while Hoseok looked at the pair from a distance. Hoseok could see the way in which Jimin looked at Taehyung, his eyes practically shimmering with her pupils enlarged. It was a precious and heart warming sight to see, especially when Jimin would occasionally get all shy from something Taehyung must have said, and covered his shy smile with his little hand. He could already predict that they would get together soon.

With three glasses of iced water and three boxes of BBQ food, Taehyung and Jimin walked the shirt distance back to the table where Hoseok was sat. "Bon appetite!" announced Taehyung in a French accent, doing the chefs cook too. Jimin reached a hand to the side, holding Taehyung's arm as he laughed at his little joke. He often did little things like that; he touched him when he laughed, or was just really happy.

They had been eating in silence for just a few minutes now before Taehyung spoke up. "So, Hoseok.. How long have you known Jimin for?" he questioned to the male who sat across from them both. "I've known him since the day he was born. I was about 1 when he was born and I've watched him grow up, basically" he explained softly.

Jimin giggled ever so slightly, "yeah, he has. We're super close.. As close as friends could be" he smiled happily, looking across at Hoseok before back at Taehyung with a wide smile. When he looked at Taehyung, his pupils always went wider but you could hardly see it since his eyes were such a deep brown colour. "Hoseok was the one that made me go to the support group. Without him, I wouldn't have met you, Taebear" he sighed before taking a little sip of his water.

Taehyung's eyes darted to Hoseok across the table. "You've got such a beautiful friendship" he complemented, delighted that Hoseok had been the one to encourage Jimin into getting help, "I've never had a friendship like that.. Well, there is Jimin" he chuckled, making Jimin smile and giggle too. The trio had finished their food at that point and were simply sat there waiting for it to go down so they could go on the rides.

"I'm off to the bathroom" announced Taehyung and Jimin in perfect sync, their cheeks immediately going up in flames as they spoke at the same time. Jimin had never had that happen before and it was certainly funny. "Let's get going then, you coming, Hoseok?" questioned Jimin with a kind smile. Hoseok shook his head slightly and urged the boys away to the bathroom.

And so the two went, walking side by side as they talked about anything random that popped into mind. "Have you ever thought about how public bathrooms are kind of weird?" questioned Jimin, making Taehyung hunch over with laughter. Jimin chuckled out an offended "what?" before Taehyung stood up straight.

"Why are they weird?" Taehyung chuckled, boxy smile on his lips as he looked down at Jimin. Jimin hummed slightly in thought and shrugged ever so slightly. "Just... Weird. Weird vibes" he said, making Taehyung jokingly roll his eyes. They had both completely fallen for each other and it was obvious to everyone but them themselves.

"Jiminie, I wanna take a selfie" Taehyung whined. Jimin couldn't say no to that, and so he nodded slightly and watched as Taehyung moved behind him. Jimin's heart fluttered as he felt a large, gentle hand placed on his waist and Taehyung's head rested on his shoulder. He tried not to blush but he couldn't help but be flustered. Jimin pulled a silly face, his whole face still shining red with embarrassment and shyness. And then Taehyung took the photo. Jimin's mind focused on Taehyung's hand as it moved around his waist till it was fully removed. "Lemme see the photo" said an eager Jimin as he peered over the screen to see how red he was. "Oh, I like it" he announced.

Taehyung looked up at him with a smile. "Can I post it to Instagram?" he questioned, and Jimin thought for a moment. Taehyung had a good three thousand followers so quite a few people would see his red face, people he didn't know would see him.. Eh, whatever. "Sure, but tag me" he replied with a soft smile.

Before Jimin could change his mind, Taehyung made the post. He tagged Jimin in the photo, and wrote in the caption, "a tasty cherry". When Jimin got the notification, he went to the post and liked it. He almost immediately saw the caption, his jaw falling slack. " Taehyung!" he giggled, "I'm not tasty and I am not a cherry either"

Taehyung burst out laughing at what Jimin had said, the familiar box smile plastered on his heart shaped lips. Jimin loved that smile. "Sure, sure. You sure look like one though" teased the male, admiring Jimin's red painted cheeks.

It was now almost 8 pm and Hoseok had been dropped home by Jimin and now it was just him and Taehyung in the car. The radio was playing quietly as they drove. "Thank you for today.." sighed Taehyung, "I had a really good day. I really like Hoseok, he treats you well" he smiled as they pulled up to Taehyung's house.

Jimin's insides were twisting and churning with nerves and he sure hoped it wasn't obvious at all. His hands were incredibly clammy and his heart was racing incredibly fast. Jimin decided to take this opportunity as he unclipped his seatbelt in order to lean over to Taehyung. He placed a hand on the cheek that was furthest away from him, as he pressed his lips to Taehyung's other cheek, his eyes fluttering closed as he kissed it for just half a second before pulling his lips away, keeping his hand there. It felt amazing to have done that. "Sleep well tonight, Taebear" whispered Jimin, his voice sweet and dear, before he pulled his hand away and sat in his seat as normal.

Taehyung's face had gone up in flames from the kiss, as his mind replayed how it felt to have Jimins soft lips pressed to his even softer cheek. Jimin eyed Taehyung for a moment to wait for a reply and finally he got it after a few seconds of waiting. "U-uh- yeah, yeah you too" the male had stuttered out, a hand going to unplug his seat belt before he climbed out, stumbling to the door.

Jimin covered his mouth with his hand from slight shock when he saw Taehyung trip up over nothing; he couldn't help but laugh however when be saw Taehyung turn around and look at Jimin with that precious, flustered expression. Jimin was in love and now Taehyung finally could see that a little bit. Hopefully Taehyung would make the next move, an even bigger move than he had made today.


Okay okay, hear me out here.. IRISH ACCENTS. OH BOY ARE THEY ATTRACTIVE.

Does anyone agree? Just me? JWJWJ-

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