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Dark................. all you could see was darkness the ambience of the surroundings was even dark. The night was at its peak, a crescent moon could be barely visible through all tree's branches. The sound can be described with what sounds like the chirping of crickets and an owl in the far distance while its hoots echo through the forest. The night goes on like this with nothing to disturb this peaceful land.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*.................Odd figures begin to appear on a rugged path through this forest, beaten and clinging for air. *Huff* "We're going to get home we have to.. *huff* for each other sake", a withered young woman says while she carries what appears to be a young man with his arm around her shoulders. They stumble their way through foliage having to push bushes out of their direction. *Huff* "Please just leave me behind, I know we made promises to get each other home *huff* but you need to get ahead and find help! Surely they have search teams looking for us its just a matter of time before they find us!"... this went on for awhile eventually the girl breaks. "Just stop already! Please!" the abrupt shout made them both trip making them painfully roll down a small hill. Their bodies met the bottom together... "Ow...." the girl groaned, please someone... anyone.... help.... she thought just before drifting to unconsciousness..............................


Ochako's POV

I woke up in sweat as I shot up from my bed breathing heavily gasping for the much needed air required for my lungs. I looked around cautious, taking in my surroundings. I was in my bedroom, while I continued scanning my eyes landed on a photo in a case sitting on my nightstand. It was a picture of my friends from my high school year celebrating graduation. My eyes focused on a green haired boy, I admired every inch of that face from his strong eyes to that cute grin he always had. Once realization took in I came back to my senses, "I'm glad it was just a nightmare.. I think". You see ever since graduation I've been thinking more and more lately about my best friend Izuku Midoriya. I knew FOR SURE that I've had a huge crush on him. Not really a huge crush at this point but I really do like him. It's just back then with school, league of villains, and our life to pursuing to become the greatest heroes..... I locked those feelings away. So I'd never get in the way of Deku's dream of becoming a pro. *Sigh*......."I'd just be a distraction, hell probably make things really awkward between us if he'd didn't like me back...", quietly said to myself. I sat there on the edge just thinking... of what? I don't know anymore. I eventually found the motivation to get my day started. Maybe today would be different  I thought, once I freshened up in the bathroom I made my way to the kitchen to make myself something. I plopped a slice of bread in the toaster and I got started on making coffee. I got a plate from the cabinet just as my toast ejected from the toaster I grabbed the hot toast and proceeded to spread butter on it with a butter knife. I sat down to enjoy my light breakfast until I felt my phone vibrate.

Text Message

All Might Agency (Work): Please report to agency for assignment.

Once I read the message I quickly chugged the rest of my coffee, I ran to my room and opened my closet to get on my costume. After I finished getting most of it on all that was left was my hero utility belt. I opened all side containers to make sure I have what I need. First Aid is what I mainly have on me. A few rolls of gauze, bandage cloths, rubbing alcohol pads, a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide, painkiller packets, medical tape, sterile needle and thread. I clipped on my belt satisfied with what I have accounted for. I exited my apartment locking the door behind me. Off to work I go I thought to myself bracing for what the day had in store for me.............

(783 Words) A/N: Now I know its probably not canon that some of the students of Class 1-A especially Uraraka didn't receive any type of medical training but I thought it would help with the story that maybe they might have learned some other things during their years at UA. Either way thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed.

7/5/20 A/N - SO SORRY I was going over the chapters to make sure that there wasn't any grammar mistakes, of course by republishing this again there was lol.

Light in the Dark (Izuocha)Where stories live. Discover now