Chapter 8

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A/N - The photo above is basically an idea of what kind of apartment they both live in. Except it's one story and they're both 1 bed and bath.

No One's POV

Italic Words - Someone's Thoughts

Around the world you could say there is a day most people greatly appreciate for working busy or tough hours at their work. That would be their 'pay day' that is. Izuku had gotten paid, meaning he was able to pay the landlord for the rental of his new apartment. He'd just brought in the last box of his stuff from Bakugo's car. Wiping the sweat that collected on his forward he let out a tiring breath. Bakugo entering his best friend's new apartment came in with a plastic bag and handed it to Izuku. Izuku wondering what this is looked at him.

"What's this?", Izuku asked

"It's a housewarming gift from the old hag, she made cookies", Bakugo answered rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wow chocolate chip! Give her my thanks", Izuku opening the plastic container that was in the bag to the scent of baked goods.

"And you know the TV you saw in the trunk? That's for you from me", he proudly stated hoping his gift beats his mom's.

"Are you serious!? Kacchan I can't ta..", Izuku was cut off by Bakugo lightly punching his shoulder.

"Next one is gonna be harder if you don't accept the damn thing!", Bakugo says grouchily to Izuku.

These gifts are really getting out of hand!  You see before Izuku moved, his mom with the help of his mentor (without Izuku knowing) had bought a small couch and some other home necessities. Things like kitchen and silver ware plus helping him buy groceries for the month on the day he moved. While All Might had got him a dinning table with chairs and wall décor that might interest his pupil. Bakugo and Izuku were bringing in the TV setting it up on an end table in the living room. Izuku with money to spare bought a microwave thinking he'd been fine with just that until he got paid again but his mother thought other wise thus leading to those gifts from her and All Might.

"Man this has been one heck of a day", Izuku lightly yawning while rubbing his face.

"Yup, well I'm gonna head out already", Bakugo raises his fist offering a fist bump.

"Ok drive safe and thank you I really appreciated your help", he accepts the gesture.

Bakugo makes his way out with Izuku closing the door and locking it. He walks over to the couch, he plops down on the cushion his head laid back. Wow... it's so quiet in here. His thoughts are disturbed from the sound of his stomach rumbling. "Haha guess I got to feed myself but what to make?", he thought on that and decided to make his favorite meal Katsudon. Growing up with his mom, she'd taught him how to make most meals on his own incase she was stuck at work or in the obvious case like this, living alone.

He had started preparing his dinner with steam becoming visible from the various pans. He scrolls through social media picking up any interesting topics to read when a knock his heard at his door. He approaches his door looking through the peep hole surprised at who it was and proceeds to unlock it. "Uraraka?", he then notices her carrying a mid size potted plant.

"Hey Deku, I thought I get you a little something for your apartment you know to spruce up the place... NOT that I-I'm saying its looks bad!", she slightly freaks out hoping she didn't offend him.

Izuku on the other hand, "thank you and dont worry no feelings hurt", he shoots a smile at her accepting the gift by placing it inside. An idea comes into his head, an idea that surely makes him go red. Mustering up the courage to ask her. "S-since you got m-me a-a gift, if y-you want to would y-you like to s-stay for dinner", he says while his arms are stiff to his side.

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